Sunday, January 22, 2012

Top 500 Ranked U.S. Films of All Time

All U.S. Films Ranked in the top 1000
509 Total Films

Some of these films were joint productions, such as A Clockwork Orange and Bridge on the River Kwai (US-UK), and Doctor Zhivago (US-Italy), and I listed all those that were in English, which eliminated Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (US-China-Taiwan). [No, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly was thankfully not a U.S. production, it was a joint Italian-Spanish one]

2001: A Space Odyssey

Pictures in Gold won the best picture Oscar®

US Rank - Title (Year) [Director] - Overall Rank in the top 1000
1. Godfather, The (1972) [Coppola, Francis] #1
2. Taxi Driver (1976) [Scorsese, Martin] #3
3. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) [Kubrick, Stanley] #4
4. Chinatown (1974) [Polanski, Roman] #5
5. Wizard of Oz, The (1939) [Fleming, Victor] #6
6. Star Wars (A New Hope) (1978) [Lucas, George] #8
7. Modern Times (1936) [Chaplin, Charles] #9
8. Night of The Hunter, The (1955) [Laughton, Charles] #10
9. Citizen Kane (1941) [Welles, Orson] #11
10. Vertigo (1958) [Hitchcock, Alfred] #12

Shelly Winters sleeps with the fish in
Charles Laughton's Night of the Hunter

11. Blade Runner (1982) [Scott, Ridley] #13
12. Psycho (1960) [Hitchcock, Alfred] #14
13. Godfather: Part II, The (1974) [Coppola, Francis] #15
14. It's a Wonderful Life (1946) [Capra, Frank] #17

The beginning of Sunset Boulevard

15. Sunset Boulevard (1950) [Wilder, Billy] #19
16. Pulp Fiction (1995) [Tarantino, Quentin] #20
17. Apocalypse Now (1979) [Coppola, Francis] #22
18. Raging Bull (1980) [Scorsese, Martin] #25
19. Goodfellas (1990) [Scorsese, Martin] #26
20. North by Northwest (1959) [Hitchcock, Alfred] #27
21. City Lights (1931) [Chaplin, Charles] #28
22. Schindler's List (1993) [Spielberg, Steven] #30
23. Singin' in the Rain (1952) [Donen, Stanley/Gene Kelly] #32
24. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) [Spielberg, Steven] #33
25. General, The (1927) [Keaton, Buster/Clyde Bruckman] #35

Anne Baxter butts wills with Bette Davis  in All
About Eve, while Gary Merrill, George
Saunders and Marilyn Monroe watch, a
best picture winner of one of Hollywood's best

26. Touch of Evil (1958) [Welles, Orson] #38
27. All About Eve (1950) [Mankiewicz, Joseph L.] #41
28. On the Waterfront (1954) [Kazan, Elia] #42
29. Sunrise (1927) [Murnau, F.W.] #43 Most artistic picture Oscar
30. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) [Forman, Milos] #44

Anthony Hopkins won best actor for best
picture Silence of the Lambs

31. Silence of the Lambs, The (1991) [Demme, Jonathan] #47
32. Gold Rush, The (1925) [Chaplin, Charles] #48
33. Fargo (1996) [Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen] #49
34. Alien (1979) [Scott, Ridley] #51
35. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) [Leone, Sergio] #52
36. Duck Soup (1933) [McCarey, Leo] #53
37. Notorious (1946) [Hitchcock, Alfred] #54
38. Casablanca (1942) [Curtiz, Michael] #55
39. Barry Lyndon (1975) [Kubrick, Stanley] #56
40. Unforgiven (1992) [Eastwood, Clint] #57
41. Jaws (1975) [Spielberg, Steven] #58
42. Clockwork Orange, A (1971) [Kubrick, Stanley] #59
43. L.A. Confidential (1997) [Hanson, Curtis] #61
44. Rear Window (1954) [Hitchcock, Alfred] #64
45. Searchers, The (1956) [Ford, John] #65
46. Some Like it Hot (1959) [Wilder, Billy] #66
47. Manhattan (1979) [Allen, Woody] #67
48. King Kong (1933) [Cooper, Merian C./Ernest B. Schoedsack] #68
49. Sherlock Jr. (1924) [Keaton, Buster] #69
50. Amadeus (1984) [Forman, Milos] #70


51. Double Indemnity (1944) [Wilder, Billy] #71
52. Toy Story (1995) [Lasseter, John] #72
53. Aliens (1986) [Cameron, James] #75
54. Annie Hall (1977) [Allen, Woody] #77

Director Peter Jackson

55. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) [Jackson, Peter] #79
56. Manchurian Candidate, The (1962) [Frankenheimer, John] #81
57. Apartment, The (1960) [Wilder, Billy] #82
58. Graduate, The (1967) [Nichols, Mike] #84
59. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) [Kershner, Irvin] #90
60. Paths of Glory (1957) [Kubrick, Stanley] #91
61. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003) [Jackson, Peter] #92
62. Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948) [Huston, John] #93
63. Shining, The (1980) [Kubrick, Stanley] #94
64. Exorcist, The (1973) [Friedkin, William] #96

American Beauty

65. American Beauty (1999) [Mendes, Sam] #97
66. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) [Spielberg, Steven] #100
67. Maltese Falcon, The (1941) [Huston, John] #102
68. Gone with the Wind (1939) [Fleming, Victor] #103
69. Do The Right Thing (1989) [Lee, Spike] #105
70. High Noon (1952) [Zinnemann, Fred] #106
71. Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The (1962) [Ford, John] #107
72. Saving Private Ryan (1998) [Spielberg, Steven] #109
73. Days of Heaven (1978) [Malick, Terrence] #110
74. Deer Hunter, The (1978) [Cimino, Michael] #111
75. Conversation, The (1974) [Coppola, Francis] #113
76. 12 Angry Men (1957) [Lumet, Sidney] #116
77. Wild Bunch, The (1969) [Peckinpah, Sam] #117
78. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002) [Jackson, Peter] #119
79. Casino (1995) [Scorsese, Martin] #120
80. Mulholland Dr. (2001) [Lynch, David] #122

81. The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) [Lean, David] #127
82. Terminator, The (1984) [Cameron, James] #128
83. Reservoir Dogs (1991) [Tarantino, Quentin] #129
84. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) [Mulligan, Robert] #130
85. Great Dictator, The (1940) [Chaplin, Charles] #131
86. Magnificent Ambersons, The (1942) [Welles, Orson] #132
87. No Country for Old Men (2007) [Coen Ethan and Joel] #133
88. Full Metal Jacket (1987) [Kubrick, Stanley] #135
89. Bonnie and Clyde (1967) [Penn, Arthur] #137


90. Network (1976) [Lumet, Sidney] #138
91. Usual Suspects, The (1995) [Singer, Bryan] #141
92. Grapes of Wrath, The (1940) [Ford, John] #144
93. Pickpocket (1959) [Bresson, Robert] #146
94. His Girl Friday (1940) [Hawks, Howard] #147
95. Intolerance (1916) [Griffith, D.W.] #148
96. Lady Eve, The (1941) [Sturges, Preston] #149
97. There Will Be Blood (2007) [Anderson, Paul Thomas] #150
98. Once Upon a Time in America (1984) [Leone, Sergio] #152
99. Rebecca (1940) [Hitchcock, Alfred] #153
100. Big Sleep, The (1946) [Hawks, Howard] #154


101. WALL-E (2008) [Stanton, Andrew] #155
102. Sweet Smell of Success (1957) [Mackendrick, Alexander] #156
103. Strangers on a Train (1951) [Hitchcock, Alfred] #157
104. Streetcar Named Desire, A (1951) [Kazan, Elia] #158
105. It Happened One Night (1934) [Capra, Frank] #160
106. Greed (1924) [von Stroheim, Erich] #161
107. Birth of a Nation, The (1915) [Griffith, D.W.] #162
108. Rosemary's Baby (1968) [Polanski, Roman] #164
109. Mean Streets (1973) [Scorsese, Martin] #166

Eternal Sunshine

110. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) [Gondry, Michael] #169
111. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) [Hill, George Roy] #173
112. Groundhog Day (1993) [Ramis, Harold] #174
113. Best Years of Our Lives, The (1946) [Wyler, William] #175
114. Woman Under the Influence, A (1974) [Cassavetes, John] #177
115. Donnie Darko (2001) [Kelly, Richard] #178
116. Dog Day Afternoon (1975) [Lumet, Sidney] #179
117. Toy Story 3 (2010) [Lasseter, John] #180
118. Shawshank Redemption, The (1994) [Darabont, Frank] #182
119. Heat (1995) [Mann, Michael] #184
120. Elephant Man, The (1980) [Lynch, David] #185
121. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) [Cameron, James] #186
122. Dark Knight, The (2008) [Nolan, Christopher] #189
123. Matrix, The (1999) [Wachowski, Andy & Larry Wachowski] #190
124. Departed, The (2006) [Scorsese, Martin] #191
125. Bride of Frankenstein (1935) [Whale, James] #192
126. Blue Velvet (1986) [Lynch, David] #193
127. Memento (2000) [Nolan, Christopher] #195
128. Scarface (1982) [De Palma, Brian] #198

David Fincher and Edward Norton
on the set of Fight Club

129. Fight Club (1999) [Fincher, David] #201
130. Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) [Hamer, Robert] #203
131. Easy Rider (1969) [Hopper, Dennis] #204
132. Forrest Gump (1994) [Zemeckis, Robert] #205
133. Hustler, The (1961) [Rossen, Robert] #207
134. This is Spinal Tap (1984) [Reiner, Rob] #208
135. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) [Capra, Frank] #209
136. Boogie Nights (1997) [Anderson, Paul Thomas] #212
137. Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) [Allen, Woody] #215
138. Bringing Up Baby (1938) [Hawks, Howard] #217
139. Die Hard (1988) [McTiernan, John] #219

Ben-Hur (1959 remake)

140. Ben-Hur (1959) [Wyler, William] #221
141. Nashville (1975) [Altman, Robert] #224
142. French Connection, The (1971) [Friedkin, William] #225
143. Kid, The (1921) [Chaplin, Charles] #226
144. Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1938) [Curtiz, Michael/William Keighley] #227
145. Badlands (1973) [Malick, Terrence] #232
146. Halloween (1978) [Carpenter, John] #234
147. Social Network (2010) [Fincher, David] #235
148. Finding Nemo (2003) [Stanton, Andrew & Unkrich, Lee] #236
149. Million Dollar Baby (2004) [Eastwood, Clint] #237
150. Killer of Sheep (1977) [Burnett, Charles] #239
151. Palm Beach Story, The (1942) [Sturges, Preston] #242
152. Broken Blossoms (1919) [Griffith, D.W.] #247
153. Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (1974) [Hooper, Tobe] #248
154. Incredibles, The (2004) [Bird, Brad] #253
155. Written on the Wind (1956) [Sirk, Douglas] #256
156. Lost in Translation (2003) [Coppola, Sofia] #257
157. Cabaret (1972) [Fosse, Bob] #258
158. Children of Men (2006) [Cuaron, Alfonso] #259
159. Big Lebowski, The (1998) [Coen, Ethan and Joel] #260
160. Shadow of a Doubt (1943) [Hitchcock, Alfred] #264
161. Rebel Without a Cause (1955) [Ray, Nicholas] #265
162. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) [Milestone, Lewis] #266
163. Night of the Living Dead (1968) [Romero, George A.] #267
164. Truman Show, The (1998) [Weir, Peter] #270
165. Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) [Allen, Woody] #271
166. Producers, The (1968) [Brooks, Mel] #274
167. Rocky (1976) [Avildsen, John G.] #276
168. Being John Malkovich (1999) [Jonze, Spike] #278
169. Back to the Future (1985) [Zemeckis, Robert] #281
170. Birds, The (1963) [Hitchcock, Alfred] #282
171. Stagecoach (1939) [Ford, John] #283
172. Tootsie (1982) [Pollack, Sydney] #284

Close Encounters

173. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) [Spielberg, Steven] #285
174. Thelma & Louise (1991) [Scott, Ridley] #287
175. Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) [Tarantino, Quentin] #288
176. Black Swan (2010) [Aronofsky, Darren] #289
177. Wrestler, The (2008) [Aronofsky, Darren] #294
178. Out of the Past (1947) [Tourneur, Jacques] #295
179. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) [Hand, David] #298
180. Se7en (1995) [Fincher, David] #300


181. Inception (2010) [Nolan, Christopher] #302
182. McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971) [Altman, Robert] #303
183. Rushmore (1998) [Anderson, Wes] #305
184. Up (2009) [Docter, Peter] #306
185. Last Picture Show, The (1971) [Bogdanovich, Peter] #312
186. Patton (1970) [Shaffner, Frank] #314
187. My Darling Clementine (1946) [Ford, John] #315
188. Paris, Texas (1984) [Wenders, Wim] #316
189. Pandora's Box (1928) [Pabst, G.W.] #318
190. Roman Holiday (1953) [Wyler, William] #319
191. Magnolia (1999) [Anderson, Paul Thomas] #320
192. Princess Bride, The (1987) [Reiner, Rob] #321
193. Trouble in Paradise (1932) [Lubitsch, Ernst] #322

Jennifer Connelly and Jared Leto
in Requiem for a Dream

194. Requiem for a Dream (2000) [Aronofsky, Darren] #323
195. Mystic River (2003) [Eastwood, Clint] #324
196. All That Heaven Allows (1955) [Sirk, Douglas] #325
197. West Side Story (1961) [Wise, Robert/Jerome Robbins] #329
198. Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928) [Keaton, Buster/Charles F. Reisner] #330
199. To Be or Not to Be (1942) [Lubitsch, Ernst] #331
200. Inglourious Basterds (2009) [Tarantino, Quentin] #332
201. M*A*S*H (1970) [Altman, Robert] #333
202. Brokeback Mountain (2005) [Lee, Ang] #336
203. Pinocchio (1940) [Sharpsteen, Ben & Hamilton Luske] #337
204. Midnight Cowboy (1969) [Schlesinger, John] #338
205. Philadelphia Story, The (1940) [Cukor, George] #340
206. American History X (1998) [Kaye, Tony] #343
207. Rio Bravo (1959) [Hawks, Howard] #346
208. Great Escape, The (1963) [Sturges, John] #353
209. Deliverance (1972) [Boorman, John] #358
210. Five Easy Pieces (1970) [Rafelson, Bob] #359
211. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) [Tarantino, Quentin] #364
212. Killing, The (1956) [Kubrick, Stanley] #366
213. Letters from Iwo Jima (2006) [Eastwood, Clint] #367
214. Player, The (1992) [Altman, Robert] #368
215. Red River (1948) [Hawks, Howard] #371

The Thin Red Line

216. Thin Red Line, The (1998) [Malick, Terrence] #373
217. Star Trek (2009) [Abrams, J.J.] #374
218. Bourne Ultimatum, The (2007) [Greengrass, Paul] #376
219. Cool Hand Luke (1967) [Rosenberg, Stuart] #377
220. Diner (1982) [Levinson, Barry] #380
221. Sideways (2004) [Payne, Alexander] #381
222. Johnny Guitar (1954) [Ray, Nicholas] #387
223. Eraserhead (1977) [Lynch, David] #388
224. Spartacus (1960) [Kubrick, Stanley] #390
225. In a Lonely Place (1950) [Ray, Nicholas] #392
226. King of Comedy, The (1982) [Scorsese, Martin] #393
227. Freaks (1932) [Browning, Tod] #394
228. Prestige, The (2006) [Nolan, Christopher] #395
229. Laura (1944) [Preminger, Otto] #396
230. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) [Marquand, Richard] #397
231. Top Hat (1935) [Sandrich, Mark] #401
232. Fantasia (1940) [Sharpsteen, Ben] #402
233. Sting, The (1973) [Hill, George Roy] #403
234. Lion King, The (1994) [Allers, Roger & Minkoff, Robert] #404
235. Anatomy of a Murder (1959) [Preminger, Otto] #405
236. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) [Nichols, Mike] #406
237. Shane (1953) [Stevens, George] #407
238. Kiss Me Deadly (1955) [Aldrich, Robert] #410
239. Sin City (2005) [Rodgriguez, Robert] #411
240. Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) [Minnelli, Vincente] #412
241. Adaptation (2002) [Jonze, Spike] #416
242. Age of Innocence, The (1993) [Scorsese, Martin] #417
243. Before Sunset (2004) [Linklater, Richard] #418
244. White Heat (1949) [Walsh, Raoul] #421
245. Dead Man (1995) [Jarmusch, Jim] #423
246. Quiet Man, The (1952) [Ford, John] #425
247. Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) [Deren, Maya] #426
248. 12 Monkeys (1995) [Gilliam, Terry] #429


249. Hurt Locker, The (2008) [Bigelow, Kathryn] #430
250. Dawn of the Dead (1978) [Romero, George A.] #433
251. Faces (1968) [Cassavetes, John] #434
252. Night at the Opera, A (1935) [Wood, Sam] #435
253. Gran Torino (2008) [Eastwood, Clint] #436
254. Band Wagon, The (1953) [Minnelli, Vincente] #441
255. Short Cuts (1993) [Altman, Robert] #446
256. Harold and Maude (1971) [Ashby, Hal] #450
257. Shadows (1959) [Cassavetes, John] #451
258. Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970) [Meyer, Russ] #452
259. All the President's Men (1972) [Pakula, Alan J.] #455
260. Avatar (2009) [Cameron, James] #456
261. Rope (1948) [Hitchcock, Alfred] #457
262. African Queen, The (1951) [Huston, John] #459
263. Star is Born, A (1954) [Cukor, George] #460
264. American Graffiti (1973) [Lucas, George] #461
265. Stranger Than Paradise (1984) [Jarmusch, Jim] #462
266. Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) [Edwards, Blake] #463
267. Frankenstein (1931) [Whale, James] #465
268. Barton Fink (1991) [Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen] #467
269. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) [Zemeckis, Robert] #468
270. Ninotchka (1939) [Lubitsch, Ernst] #471

The Asphalt Jungle

271. Asphalt Jungle, The (1950) [Huston, John] #473
272. Lolita (1962) [Kubrick, Stanley] #474
273. Ed Wood (1994) [Burton, Tim] #477
274. Thing, The (1982) [Carpenter, John] #479
275. Toy Story 2 (1999) [Lasseter, John & Brannon, Ash] #485
276. Man on Wire (2008) [Marsh, James] #486
277. Sound of Music, The (1965) [Wise, Robert] #488
278. Edward Scissorhands (1990) [Burton, Tim] #489
279. Crumb (1994) [Zwigoff, Terry] #492
280. Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) [Anderson, Wes] #493
281. Last Temptation of Christ, The (1988) [Scorsese, Martin] #494
282. Evil Dead II (1987) [Raimi, Sam] #497
283. Straight Story, The (1999) [Lynch, David] #498
284. Doctor Zhivago (1965) [Lean, David] #499
285. Crowd, The (1928) [Vidor, King] #501
286. To Have and Have Not (1944) [Hawks, Howard] #505

V For Vendetta

287. V for Vendetta (2005) [McTeigue, James] #506
288. Carrie (1976) [De Palma, Brian] #510
289. 42nd Street (1933) [Bacon, Lloyd] #513
290. Insider, The (1999) [Mann, Michael] #514
291. Awful Truth, The (1937) [McCarey, Leo] #515
292. Gladiator (2000) [Scott, Ridley] #517
293. Scarface (1932) [Hawks, Howard] #518
294. Ghost World (2001) [Zwigoff, Terry] #519
295. Imitation of Life (1959) [Sirk, Douglas] #520
296. Milk (2008) [Van Sant, Gus] #524
297. Sixth Sense, The (1999) [Shyamalan, M. Knight] #526
298. How Green Was My Valley (1941) [Ford, John] #528
299. Traffic (2000) [Soderbergh, Steve] #529
300. Dazed and Confused (1993) [Linklater, Richard] #530
301. After Hours (1985) [Scorsese, Martin] #531
302. Dead Poets Society (1989) [Weir, Peter] #534
303. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) [Hughes, John] #535
304. Punch-Drunk Love (2002) [Anderson, Paul Thomas] #536
305. Beauty and the Beast (1992) [Trousdale, Gary] #542
306. Platoon (1986) [Stone, Oliver] #543

All That Jazz

307. All That Jazz (1979) [Fosse, Bob] #548
308. Point Blank (1967) [Boorman, John] #550
309. Killing of a Chinese Bookie, The (1976) [Cassavetes, John] #552
310. Dirty Harry (1971) [Siegel, Don] #555
311. Being There (1979) [Ashby, Hal] #557
312. Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010) [Banksy] #558
313. Monsieur Verdoux (1947) [Chaplin, Charles] #560
314. Shop Around the Corner, The (1940) [Lubitsch, Ernst] #561
315. Big Heat, The (1953) [Lang, Fritz] #563
316. sex, lies, and videotape (1989) [Soderberg, Steve] #565
317. Ace in the Hole (1951) [Wilder, Billy] #566
318. Shutter Island (2010) [Scorsese, Martin] #567
319. Eyes Wide Shut (1999) [Kubrick, Stanley] #568
320. Down by Law (1986) [Jarmusch, Jim] #570
321. Stand by Me (1986) [Reiner, Rob] #571
322. Royal Tenenbaums, The (2001) [Anderson, Wes] #572
323. East of Eden (1955) [Kazan, Elia] #573

The Thin Red Line

324. Reds (1981) [Beatty, Warren] #574
325. Place in the Sun, A (1951) [Stevens, George] #575
326. An American in Paris (1951) [Minnelli, Vincente] #581
327. Only Angels Have Wings (1939) [Hawks, Howard] #584
328. My Fair Lady (1964) [Cukor, George] #586
329. Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (1974) [Peckinpah, Sam] #588
330. Good Will Hunting (1997) [Van Sant, Gus] #589
331. Gosford Park (2001) [Altman, Robert] #593
332. Ben-Hur (1926) [Niblo, Fred] #594
333. Shakespeare in Love (1998) [Madden, John] #595
334. Mildred Pierce (1945) [Curtiz, Michael] #599
335. Nanook of the North (1922) [Flaherty, Robert] #602
336. Winter's Bone (2010) [Granik, Debra] #603

Ginger Rogers and
Fred Astaire

337. Swing Time (1936) [Stevens, George] #604
338. Gimme Shelter (1970) [Maysles, Albert/David Maysles/Charlotte Zwerin] #605
339. Tabu (1931) [Murnau, F.W.] #606
340. Now, Voyager (1942) [Rapper, Irving] #609
341. River, The (1951) [Renoir, Jean] #610
342. American Splendor (2003) [Berman, Shari, and Pulcini, Robert] #611
343. Cat People (1942) [Tourneur, Jacques] #615
344. Dead, The (1987) [Huston, John] #616
345. Lady from Shanghai, The (1947) [Welles, Orson] #622
346. Little Miss Sunshine (2006) [Dayton, Jonathan & Faris, Valerie] #623
347. Squid and the Whale, The (2005) [Baumbach, Noah ] #624
348. Dumbo (1941) [Sharpsteen, Ben] #625
349. Raising Arizona (1987) [Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen] #626
350. Serious Man, A (2009) [Coen Bros.] #627
351. Green Mile, The (1999) [Darabont, Frank] #628
352. Make Way for Tomorrow (1937) [McCarey, Leo] #633
353. Happiness (1998) [Solondz, Todd] #639
354. Detour (1945) [Ulmer, Edgar G.] #643
355. Braveheart (1995) [Gibson, Mel] #648

The Tree of Life

356. Tree of Life, The (2011) [Malick, Terrence] #650
357. Capote (2005) [Miller, Bennett] #652
358. Day the Earth Stood Still, The (1951) [Wise, Robert] #655
359. Dial M for Murder (1954) [Hitchcock, Alfred] #657
360. Lost Highway (1997) [Lynch, David] #658
361. Juno (2007) [Reitman, Jason] #659
362. Far from Heaven (2002) [Haynes, Todd] #665
363. Scarlet Empress, The (1934) [von Sternberg, Josef] #666
364. Two-Lane Blacktop (1971) [Hellman, Monte] #669
365. Fog of War, The (2003) [Morris, Errol] #671
366. Miller's Crossing (1990) [Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen] #673
367. Wind, The (1928) [Sjöström, Victor] #675

The Tree of Life

368. Cameraman, The (1928) [Keaton, Buster/Edward Sedgwick] #677
369. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) [Spielberg, Steven] #679
370. Marnie (1964) [Hitchcock, Alfred] #681
371. Limelight (1952) [Chaplin, Charles] #684
372. United 93 (2006) [Greengrass, Paul] #686
373. Waking Life (anime, 2001) [Linklater, Richard] #687
374. Navigator, The (1924) [Keaton, Buster/Donald Crisp] #688
375. It's a Gift (1934) [McLeod, Norman Z.] #689
376. Superman II (1980) [Donner, Richard] #691
377. Thin Blue Line, The (1988) [Morris, Errol] #692
378. Wedding March, The (1928) [von Stroheim, Erich] #693
379. Leaving Las Vegas (1996) [Figgis, Mike] #699
380. Batman Begins (2005) [Nolan, Christopher] #701
381. Iron Giant, The (1999) [Bird, Brad] #704
382. Sita Sings the Blues (2008) [Paley, Nina] #713
383. Blood Simple (1984) [Coen Bros.] #717
384. Don't Look Back (1967) [Pennebaker, D.A.] #718
385. Reversal of Fortune (1990) [Schroeder, Barbet] #719

The Tree of Life

386. Right Stuff, The (1983) [Kaufman, Philip] #721
387. Straw Dogs (1971) [Peckinpah, Sam] #722
388. Zodiac (2007) [Fincher, David] #723
389. Stop Making Sense (1984) [Demme, Jonathan] #724
390. Frantic (1988) [Polanski, Roman] #725
391. Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) [Capra, Frank] #727
392. Witness for the Prosecution (1957) [Wilder, Billy] #728
393. My Perestroika (2010) [Hessman, Robin ] #729
394. Snatch (2000) [Ritchie, Guy] #730
395. Capturing the Friedmans (2003) [Jarecki, Andrew] #731
396. Servant, The (1963) [Losey, Joseph] #732
397. Paranoid Park (2007) [Van Sant, Gus] #737
398. Chelsea Girls (1967) [Warhol, Andy] #739
399. Zelig (1983) [Allen, Woody] #741
400. Our Hospitality (1923) [Keaton, Buster/John Blystone] #742
401. Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001) [Mitchell, John Cameron] #744
402. Up in the Air (2009) [Reitman, Jason] #745
403. Midnight Run (1988) [Brest, Martin] #750
404. Before Sunrise (1995) [Linklater, Richard] #752
405. Bambi (1942) [Hand, David] #753
406. Welcome to the Dollhouse (1995) [Solondz, Todd ] #754
407. My Voyage to Italy (1999) [Scorsese, Martin] #755
408. Gun Crazy (Deadly is the Female, 1950) [Lewis, Joseph H.] #760

The Tree of Life

409. Blow Out (1981) [De Palma, Brian] #762
410. Almost Famous (2000) [Crowe, Cameron] #763
411. Into the Wild (2007) [Penn, Sean] #764
412. She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) [Ford, John] #765
413. 4 Little Girls (1997) [Lee, Spike] #769
414. Funny Girl (1968) [Wyler, William] #770
415. Titanic (1997) [Cameron, James] #772
416. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006) [Charles, Larry] #774
417. Half Nelson (2006) [Fleck, Ryan] #775
418. No End in Sight (2007) [Ferguson, Charles] #777
419. Goodbye Solo (2008) [Bahrani, Ramin] #779
420. Monsters, Inc. (2001) [Dokter, Unkrich, Silverman] #780
421. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) [Burton, Tim] #781
422. They Were Expendable (1945) [Ford, John] #782
423. In Cold Blood (1967) [Brooks, Richard] #784
424. Love Me Tonight (1932) [Mamoulian, Rouben] #785
425. 127 Hours (2010) [Boyle, Danny] #786
426. Affair to Remember, An (1957) [McCarey, Leo] #791

The Tree of Life

427. Bigger Than Life (1956) [Ray, Nicholas] #793
428. Last Waltz , The (1978) [Scorsese, Martin] #796
429. Superman: The Movie (1978) [Donner, Richard] #797
430. Some Came Running (1958) [Minnelli, Vincente] #800
431. Sense and Sensibility (1995) [Lee, Ang] #804
432. Love Streams (1984) [Cassavetes, John] #808
433. In the Heat of the Night (1967) [Jewison, Norman] #813
434. Inside Job (2010) [Ferguson, Charles] #815
435. Quiz Show (1994) [Redford, Robert] #820
436. 45365 (2009) [Ross, Bill IV] #822
437. Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) [Foley, James] #824
438. Little Women (1994) [Armstrong, Gillian] #825
439. Seven Chances (1925) [Keaton, Buster] #826
440. Kids Are All Right, The (2010) [Cholodenko, Lisa ] #831
441. Boys Don't Cry (1999) [Pierce, Kimberly] #834
442. Serpico (1973) [Lumet, Sydney] #837
443. Foolish Wives (1922) [von Stroheim, Erich] #838 (yes, a U.S. production)
444. Tarnation (2003) [Caouette, Jonathan] #846
445. American Movie (1999) [Smith, Chris] #847
446. Murderball (2005) [Rubin, Henry Alex & Shapiro, Dana Adam] #848
447. Blue Valentine (2010) [Cianfrance, Derek] #849
448. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007) [Lumet, Sydney] #853
449. How to Train Your Dragon (2010) [DeBlois (Dean), Sanders (Chris)] #854
450. Breaking Away (1979) [Yates, Peter] #857
451. To Die For (1995) [Van Sant, Gus] #858
452. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) [Gilliam, Terry] #860
453. 42 UP (1998) [Apted, Michael] #861
454. Say Anything… (1989) [Crowe, Cameron] #862
455. Young Mr. Lincoln (1939) [Ford, John] #865
456. Miracle of Morgan's Creek, The (1944) [Sturges, Preston] #868
457. I Walked with a Zombie (1943) [Tourneur, Jacques] #869
458. Cove, The (2009) [Psihoyos, Louie ] #871
459. In the Bedroom (2001) [Field, Todd] #875
460. Devil is a Woman, The (1935) [von Sternberg, Josef] #877
461. Drag Me to Hell (2009) [Raimi, Sam] #881
462. On the Town (1949) [Donen, Stanley/Gene Kelly] #885
463. Purple Rose of Cairo, The (1985) [Allen, Woody] #886
464. Pickup on South Street (1953) [Fuller, Sam] #887
465. Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) [Kramer, Stanley] #888

Joel and Ethan Coen

466. True Grit (2010) [Coen Bros.] #889
467. Deliver Us from Evil (2006) [Berg, Amy] #891
468. Circus, The (1928) [Chaplin, Charles] #894
469. High Fidelity (2000) [Frears, Stephen] #896
470. Coraline (2009) [Selick, Henry] #898
471. Grifters, The (1990) [Frears, Stephen] #899
472. Rachel Getting Married (2008) [Demme, Jonathan] #910
473. Party, The (1968) [Edwards, Blake] #914
474. Fugitive, The (1993) [Davis, Andrew] #915

Andy Warhol and Alfred Hitchcock

475. Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film (1991) [Burns, Rick] #918
476. Before Night Falls (2000) [Schnabel, Julian] #922
477. Children Underground (2001) [Belzberg, Edet] #924
478. Hours, The (2002) [Daldry, Steven] #925
479. Life Aquatic w Steve Zissou (2004) [Anderson, Wes] #926
480. Stalag 17 (1953) [Wilder, Billy] #927
481. You Can Count On Me (2000) [Lonergan, Kenneth] #928
482. There's Always Tomorrow (1956) [Sirk, Douglas] #929
483. JFK (1991) [Stone, Oliver] #931
484. Savages, The (2007) [Jenkins, Tamara] #932
485. Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973) [Peckinpah, Sam] #937
486. Los Angeles Plays Itself (2003) [Andersen, Thom] #940
487. Knocked Up (2007) [Apatow, Judd] #941
488. Bad and the Beautiful, The (1952) [Minnelli, Vincente] #944
489. Airplane! (1980) [Abrahams, Jim] #952
490. Street Fight (2005) [Curry, Marshall] #953
491. Nightmare Before Christmas, The (1993) [Selick, Henry] #954
492. O Brother, Where Art Thou (2000) [Coen Bros.] #958
493. About Schmidt (2002) [Payne, Alexander] #959
494. King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, The (2007) [Gordon, Seth] #960
495. Domestic Violence (2001) [Wiseman, Frederick] #962
496. Neil Young: Heart of Gold (2006) [Demme, Jonathan] #963
497. Last Seduction, The (1993) [Dahl, John] #964
498. Synecdoche, New York (2008) [Kaufman, Charlie] #968
499. Out of Sight (1998) [Soderbergh, Steven] #979
500. Angel (1937) [Lubitsch, Ernst] #980
501. Restrepo (2010) [Hetherington, Tim & Junger, Sebastian] #982
502. Passing Strange (2009) [Lee, Spike] #983

Meek's Cutoff, an enigmatic and
existential western

503. Meek's Cutoff (2010) [Reichardt, Kelly ] #984
504. Paragraph 175 (2000) [Epstein, Rob & Friedman, Jeffrey] #985
505. Sound and Fury (2000) [Aronson, Josh] #987
506. Long Night's Journey Into Day (2001) [Hoffman, Deborah] #988
507. From Here to Eternity (1953) [Zinnemann, Fred] #992
508. Z Channel: A Magnificent Obsession (2004) [Cassavetes, Alexandra ] #997
509. Sling Blade (1996) [Thornton, Billy Bob] #999

2001: A Space Odyssey


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