Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Top Ranked Films of Victor Fleming

Victor Fleming
2 titles, 48th in points with 15,032

These are both the films of U.S. director Victor Fleming’s that made the top 1000 in our 2011 update of the Top Ranked 1000 Films on the Net, all polls. He managed to crack the top 50 directors with just two titles.

1. The Wizard of Oz (1939) #6
2. Gone With the Wind (1939) #103

These two are maybe ranked a little too highly, but they’ve endured 70 years of popularity. GWTW did win a critics polls for most overrated film of all-time, but Wizard seems to climb a little in every round of polls. Both films do have mouth-watering color and in their restorations are beautiful to look at. Wizard has some great characters and being a kids film, moves pretty rapidly. And those flying monkeys are still pretty creepy.

Not so for Wind, it drags on and on – it’s poor pacing is it’s biggest fault. Even at that, at eleven months from beginning of filming to premier for a nearly four-hour film has to be a record, so it should look a little rushed. Also it thankfully condensed an even longer and slower book to at least only a full evening rather than a month of reading. The female actors were terrific, the men not so much. Vivien Leigh and Hattie McDaniel each won well-deserved Oscars®, and Olivia de Haviland also turned in a prize-worthy performance.

Some of these other Fleming films should also be ranked, as his films overlooked in the polls include Captains Courageous, A Guy Named Joe, Red Dust, Treasure Island, and The Virginian.

See the full list of top ranked 100 directors here: Top Ranked 100 Directors, 2011 Edition

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