Thursday, October 20, 2011

Top Ranked Films of David Lynch

David Lynch
6 titles, 30th in pts w 20,400 (first in hair)

David Lynch is a mixed bag, but interesting to say the least. I really only like a few of his films: Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart, and one totally out of his norm, The Straight Story. Most of his films are injected with a little too much Lynch eccentricity to work as films, at least not for me, such as Twin Peaks, Inland Empire, and Lost Highway, and I never understand the popularity of Mulholland Dr. either. Blue Velvet is certainly a film you don't easily forget.

These are all the films of David Lynch’s that made the top 1000 in our 2011 update of the Top Ranked 1000 Films on the Net, all polls.

1. Mulholland Dr. (2001) #122
2. Elephant Man, The (1980) #185
3. Blue Velvet (1986) #193 For me, his most unforgettable and interesting film, though I was a bit distressed over what they did to Isabella Rossellini
4. Eraserhead (1977) #388
5. Straight Story, The (1999) #498
6. Lost Highway (1997) #658

Lynch with Isabella Rossellini of Blue Velvet

3 more just outside the 1000, then there's Dune..
7. Wild at Heart (1990) #1047
8. Inland Empire (2006) #1198
9. Twin Peaks (1990) #1210
10. Dune (1984) #2206 Who in their right mind would rank this film? Some poll had it in their top 1000, that's the max I ever included from any poll.

[If all films were included, he would be 20th]

See the full list of top ranked 100 directors here: Top Ranked 100 Directors, 2011 Edition

If they ranked directors by how cool they looked..

1 comment:

  1. dune is awesome. its my 2nd favorite after fire walk with me. if you go back and watch it again after watching the other lynch movies, you will see how funny and amazing it is. i feel people who like dune have a different (better, deeper) understanding that david lynch only makes comedies. most people i know dont think they are comedies. no senses of humor i guess.


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