Sunday, July 10, 2011

Top Ranked 1000 Films, 2011 Edition

New Top Ranked 1000 Films on the Net
All Polls Combined (Updated July 11, 2011)
© William Lawrence Sinclair

For this new addition, we updated the lists from the internet that are kept updating constantly in real-time, as well as adding a new major film site's fan list of favorites, the first 1000 films there.

[This July update removed some dupes listed in both English and their native language - a BIG thanks to Alison Zemell of Canada for spotting those and letting me know. I had found about 20, she found a dozen I missed. This resulted in a few films moving up in the 1000, notably Children of Paradise, An Actor's Revenge, Fellini's Satyricon, and Godard's dreadful A Woman Is a Woman.. actually, 3 of these 4 bored me into a vegetative trance, and I haven't seen the other one - dare I risk it, lol?)

We will follow this post with more posts of new additions, deletions, biggest movers (up and down), top ranked films from 2009 and 2010 [note: this is now done, on the Top Ranked Films of the Decade: 2000-2010], as this was last done thru 2008 only.

For an alphabetical list of all 2243 films that scored, click here

I also expanded the post to 1200 titles, cuz I liked three near the bottom, Cold Comfort Farm, Winged Migration, and The Namesake, the latter two among just 40 perfect 10s I've given at 1000 Dvds to See (out of 780 ratings).


1. Godfather, The (1972) Coppola, Francis [1]
2. Seven Samurai, The (1954) Kurosawa, Akira [7] photo top, could be #1 next?
3. Taxi Driver (1976) Scorsese, Martin [12]
4. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Kubrick, Stanley [2]
5. Chinatown (1974) Polanski, Roman [3]
6. Wizard of Oz, The (1939) Fleming, Victor [18]
7. Metropolis (1927) Lang, Fritz [23]
8. Star Wars (A New Hope) (1978) Lucas, George [4]
9. Modern Times (1936) Chaplin, Charles [36]
10. Night of The Hunter, The (1955) Laughton, Charles [35]
11. Citizen Kane (1941) Welles, Orson [5]
12. Vertigo (1958) Hitchcock, Alfred [6]
13. Blade Runner (1982) Scott, Ridley [13]
14. Psycho (1960) Hitchcock, Alfred [8]
15. Godfather: Part II, The (1974) Coppola, Francis [9]
16. M (1931) Lang, Fritz [11]
17. It's a Wonderful Life (1946) Capra, Frank [10]
18. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) Kubrick, Stanley [17]
19. Sunset Boulevard (1950) Wilder, Billy [14]
20. Pulp Fiction (1995) Tarantino, Quentin [20]
21. Bicycle Thief, The (1949) De Sica, Vittorio [16]
22. Apocalypse Now (1979) Coppola, Francis [25]
23. Third Man, The (1948) Reed, Carol [15]
24. Lawrence of Arabia (1962) Lean, David [50]
25. Raging Bull (1980) Scorsese, Martin [24]

26. Goodfellas (1990) Scorsese, Martin [31]
27. North by Northwest (1959) Hitchcock, Alfred [19]
28. City Lights (1931) Chaplin, Charles [21]
29. Rashomon (1950) Kurosawa, Akira [22]
30. Schindler's List (1993) Spielberg, Steven [27]
31. Seventh Seal, The (1956) Bergman, Ingmar [29]
32. Singin' in the Rain (1952) Donen, Stanley/Gene Kelly [26]
33. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Spielberg, Steven [34]
34. Passion of Joan of Arc, The (1928) Dreyer, Carl Theodor [51]
35. General, The (1927) Keaton, Buster/Clyde Bruckman [28]
36. Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, The (1966) Leone, Sergio [73]
37. 400 Blows, The (1959) Truffaut, François [60]
38. Touch of Evil (1958) Welles, Orson [30]
39. Ran (1985) Kurosawa, Akira [86]
40. 8½ (1963) Fellini, Federico [37]
41. All About Eve (1950) Mankiewicz, Joseph L. [33]
42. On the Waterfront (1954) Kazan, Elia [67]
43. Sunrise (1927) Murnau, F.W. [38]
44. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) Forman, Milos [54]
45. Conformist, The (1970) Bertolucci, Bernardo [76]
46. Fanny and Alexander (1982) Bergman, Ingmar [196]
47. Silence of the Lambs, The (1991) Demme, Jonathan [90]
48. Gold Rush, The (1925) Chaplin, Charles [39]
49. Fargo (1996) Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen [61]
50. Au Hasard Balthazar (1966) Bresson, Robert [93]
51. Alien (1979) Scott, Ridley [98]
52. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) Leone, Sergio [70]
53. Duck Soup (1933) McCarey, Leo [41]
54. Notorious (1946) Hitchcock, Alfred [42]
55. Casablanca (1942) Curtiz, Michael [47]
56. Barry Lyndon (1975) Kubrick, Stanley [101]
57. Unforgiven (1992) Eastwood, Clint [91]
58. Jaws (1975) Spielberg, Steven [66]
59. Clockwork Orange, A (1971) Kubrick, Stanley [69]
60. Battle of Algiers, The (1966) Pontecorvo, Gillo [132]
61. L.A. Confidential (1997) Hanson, Curtis [45]
62. Pather Panchali / Apu Trilogy I (1955) Ray, Satyajit [32]
63. Rules of the Game, The (1939) Renoir, Jean [44]
64. Rear Window (1954) Hitchcock, Alfred [52]
65. Searchers, The (1956) Ford, John [46]
66. Some Like it Hot (1959) Wilder, Billy [55]
67. Manhattan (1979) Allen, Woody [131]
68. King Kong (1933) Cooper, Merian C./Ernest B. Schoedsack [40]
69. Sherlock Jr. (1924) Keaton, Buster [89]
70. Amadeus (1984) Forman, Milos [63]
71. Double Indemnity (1944) Wilder, Billy [56]
72. Toy Story (1995) Lasseter, John [82]
73. Jules et Jim (1961) Truffaut, François [59]
74. La Dolce Vita (1960) Fellini, Federico [99]
75. Aliens (1986) Cameron, James [159]
76. Tokyo Story (1953) Ozu, Yasujiro [57]
77. Annie Hall (1977) Allen, Woody [77]
78. Spirited Away (2001) Miyazaki, Hayao [259]
79. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) Jackson, Peter [84]
80. Umberto D (1952) De Sica, Vittorio [53]
81. Manchurian Candidate, The (1962) Frankenheimer, John [43]
82. Apartment, The (1960) Wilder, Billy [65]
83. Aguirre: The Wrath of God (1972) Herzog, Werner [72]
84. Graduate, The (1967) Nichols, Mike [107]
85. Ugetsu (1953) Mizoguchi, Kenji [58]
86. Persona (1966) Bergman, Ingmar [186]
87. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) Gilliam, Terry/Terry Jones [224]
88. L'Atalante (1934) Vigo, Jean [49]
89. Contempt (1963) Godard, Jean-Luc [74]
90. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) Lucas, George [126]
91. Paths of Glory (1957) Kubrick, Stanley [83]
92. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003) Jackson, Peter [97]
93. Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948) Huston, John [62]
94. Shining, The (1980) Kubrick, Stanley [109]
95. Man With a Movie Camera, The (1929) Vertov, Dziga [78]
96. Exorcist, The (1973) Friedkin, William [143]
97. American Beauty (1999) Mendes, Sam [139]
98. Shoah (1985) Lanzmann, Claude [119]
99. Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The (1972) Buñuel, Luis [88]
100. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) Spielberg, Steven [205]
101. Ikiru (1952) Kurosawa, Akira [198]
102. Maltese Falcon, The (1941) Huston, John [71]
103. Gone with the Wind (1939) Fleming, Victor [80]
104. Wild Strawberries (1957) Bergman, Ingmar [108]
105. Do The Right Thing (1989) Lee, Spike [112]
106. High Noon (1952) Zinnemann, Fred [106]
107. Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The (1962) Ford, John [135]
108. Piano, The (1993) Campion, Jane [81]
109. Saving Private Ryan (1998) Spielberg, Steven [116]
110. Days of Heaven (1978) Malick, Terrence [264]
111. Deer Hunter, The (1978) Cimino, Michael [110]
112. Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922) Murnau, F.W. [48]
113. Conversation, The (1974) Coppola, Francis [120]
114. La Strada (1954) Fellini, Federico [113]
115. Solaris (1972) Tarkovsky, Andrei [267]
116. 12 Angry Men (1957) Lumet, Sidney [124]
117. Wild Bunch, The (1969) Peckinpah, Sam [87]
118. Cinema Paradiso (1988) Tornatore, Giuseppe [158]
119. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002) Jackson, Peter [144]
120. Casino (1995) Scorsese, Martin [115]
121. City of God (2002) Meirelles, Fernando [192]
122. Mulholland Dr. (2001) Lynch, David [478]
123. Battleship Potemkin (1925) Eisenstein, Sergei [100]
124. Pierrot le fou (1965) Godard, Jean-Luc [129]
125. Pan's Labyrinth (2006) del Toro, Guillermo [154]
126. Masculine-Feminine (1966) Godard, Jean-Luc [221]
127. Bridge on the River Kwai, The (1957) Lean, David [85]
128. Terminator, The (1984) Cameron, James [187]
129. Reservoir Dogs (1991) Tarantino, Quentin [201]
130. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Mulligan, Robert [96]
131. Great Dictator, The (1940) Chaplin, Charles [138]
132. Magnificent Ambersons, The (1942) Welles, Orson [75]
133. No Country for Old Men (2007) Coen Ethan and Joel [166]
134. Lives of Others, The (2006) von Donnersmarck, Florian Henckel [163]
135. Full Metal Jacket (1987) Kubrick, Stanley [207]
136. Earrings of Madame de..., The (1953) Ophuls, Max [268]
137. Bonnie and Clyde (1967) Penn, Arthur [105]
138. Network (1976) Lumet, Sidney [157]
139. Repulsion (1965) Polanski, Roman [311]
140. Spirit of the Beehive, The (1973) Erice, Victor [261]
141. Usual Suspects, The (1995) Singer, Bryan [170]
142. Pianist, The (2002) Polanski, Roman [200]
143. Ordet (1955) Dreyer, Carl [111]
144. Grapes of Wrath, The (1940) Ford, John [95]
145. Brazil (1985) Gilliam, Terry [189]
146. Pickpocket (1959) Bresson, Robert [125]
147. His Girl Friday (1940) Hawks, Howard [130]
148. Intolerance (1916) Griffith, D.W. [64]
149. Lady Eve, The (1941) Sturges, Preston [92]
150. There Will Be Blood (2007) Anderson, Paul Thomas [181]
151. Leopard, The (1963) Visconti, Luchino [269]
152. Once Upon a Time in America (1984) Leone, Sergio [162]
153. Rebecca (1940) Hitchcock, Alfred [122]
154. Big Sleep, The (1946) Hawks, Howard [123]
155. WALL-E (2008) Stanton, Andrew [182]
156. Sweet Smell of Success (1957) Mackendrick, Alexander [133]
157. Strangers on a Train (1951) Hitchcock, Alfred [121]
158. Streetcar Named Desire, A (1951) Kazan, Elia [150]
159. Breathless (1959) Godard, Jean-Luc [179]
160. It Happened One Night (1934) Capra, Frank [94]
161. Greed (1924) von Stroheim, Erich [79]
162. Birth of a Nation, The (1915) Griffith, D.W. [68]
163. Yojimbo (1961) Kurosawa, Akira [172]
164. Rosemary's Baby (1968) Polanski, Roman [173]
165. Wings of Desire (1987) Wenders, Wim [248]
166. Mean Streets (1973) Scorsese, Martin [142]
167. In the Mood for Love (2001) Wong Kar-Wai [272]
168. Wages of Fear, The (1952) Clouzot, Henri-Georges [134]
169. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Gondry, Michael [227]
170. Trainspotting (1995) Boyle, Danny [360]
171. My Life to Live (Vivre sa vie) (1963) Godard, Jean-Luc [160]
172. Nights of Cabiria (1957) Fellini, Federico [136]
173. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) Hill, George Roy [149]
174. Groundhog Day (1993) Ramis, Harold [183]
175. Best Years of Our Lives, The (1946) Wyler, William [102]
176. Gospel According to St. Matthew, The (1964) Pasolini, Pier Paolo [103]
177. Woman Under the Influence, A (1974) Cassavetes, John [177]
178. Donnie Darko (2001) Kelly, Richard [228]
179. Dog Day Afternoon (1975) Lumet, Sidney [175]
180. Toy Story 3 (2010) Lasseter, John [new]
181. Hard Day's Night, A (1964) Lester, Richard [332]
182. Shawshank Redemption, The (1994) Darabont, Frank [155]
183. L'Avventura (1960) Antonioni, Michelangelo [188]
184. Heat (1995) Mann, Michael [229]
185. Elephant Man, The (1980) Lynch, David [194]
186. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) Cameron, James [195]
187. Umbrellas of Cherbourg, The (1964) Demy, Jacques [289]
188. Man Escaped, A (1956) Bresson, Robert [151]
189. Dark Knight, The (2008) Nolan, Christopher [397]
190. Matrix, The (1999) Wachowski, Andy & Larry Wachowski [226]
191. Departed, The (2006) Scorsese, Martin [292]
192. Bride of Frankenstein (1935) Whale, James [140]
193. Blue Velvet (1986) Lynch, David [231]
194. Diving Bell and the Butterfly, The (2008) Schnabel, Julian [443]
195. Memento (2000) Nolan, Christopher [361]
196. Blue Angel, The (1930) von Sternberg, Josef [273]
197. Grande Illusion, La (1937) Renoir, Jean [199]
198. Scarface (1982) De Palma, Brian [211]
199. Ashes and Diamonds (1958) Wajda, Andrzej [114]
200. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975) Akerman, Chantal [146]
201. Fight Club (1999) Fincher, David [275]
202. Celine and Julie Go Boating (1974) Rivette, Jacques [141]
203. Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) Hamer, Robert [117]
204. Easy Rider (1969) Hopper, Dennis [191]
205. Forrest Gump (1994) Zemeckis, Robert [206]
206. All About My Mother (1999) Almodóvar, Pedro [288]
207. Hustler, The (1961) Rossen, Robert [153]
208. This is Spinal Tap (1984) Reiner, Rob [472]
209. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) Capra, Frank [128]
210. Blow-Up (1966) Antonioni, Michelangelo [245]
211. Playtime (1967) Tati, Jacques [210]
212. Boogie Nights (1997) Anderson, Paul Thomas [349]
213. Last Year at Marienbad (1961) Resnais, Alain [216]
214. Diaboliques (1955) Clouzot, Henri-Georges [164]
215. Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) Allen, Woody [255]
216. Ratatouille (2007) Bird, Brad & Pinkava, Jan [242]
217. Bringing Up Baby (1938) Hawks, Howard [118]
218. Belle de jour (1967) Buñuel, Luis [214]
219. Die Hard (1988) McTiernan, John [244]
220. Slumdog Millionaire (2008) Boyle, Danny [234]
221. Ben-Hur (1959) Wyler, William [137]
222. Rocco and His Brothers (1964) Visconti, Luchino [240]
223. Children of Paradise (1945) Carné, Marcel [184]
224. Nashville (1975) Altman, Robert [193]
225. French Connection, The (1971) Friedkin, William [442]
226. Kid, The (1921) Chaplin, Charles [230]
227. Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1938) Curtiz, Michael/William Keighley [171]
228. Hotaru no Hakaa (Grave/Fireflies, 1988) Takahata, Isao [324]
229. Eyes Without a Face (1959) Franju, Georges [399]
230. Amores Perros (2000) Inarritu [490]
231. Viridiana (1961) Buñuel, Luis [212]
232. Badlands (1973) Malick, Terrence [271]
233. Das Boot (1981) Peterson, Wolfgang [246]
234. Halloween (1978) Carpenter, John [322]
235. Social Network (2010) Fincher, David [new]
236. Finding Nemo (2003) Stanton, Andrew & Unkrich, Lee [298]
237. Million Dollar Baby (2004) Eastwood, Clint [265]
238. Andrei Rublev (1966) Tarkovsky, Andrei [282]
239. Killer of Sheep (1977) Burnett, Charles [174]
240. Sansho the Bailiff (1954) Mizoguchi, Kenji [204]
241. Belle et la bête, La (Beauty/Beast, 1946) Cocteau, Jean [243]
242. Palm Beach Story, The (1942) Sturges, Preston [145]
243. Amélie (Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain,2001) Jeunet, Jean-Pierre [345]
244. Throne of Blood (1957) Kurosawa, Akira [258]
245. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) Lee, Ang [152]
246. Hiroshima mon amour (1959) Resnais, Alain [284]
247. Broken Blossoms (1919) Griffith, D.W. [147]
248. Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (1974) Hooper, Tobe [249]
249. Yi yi (2000) Yang, Edward [223]
250. Passenger, The (1975) Antonioni, Michelangelo [473]
251. Mon oncle (1958) Tati, Jacques [412]
252. Red Shoes, The (1948) Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger [156]
253. Incredibles, The (2004) Bird, Brad [300]
254. Amarcord (1973) Fellini, Federico [274]
255. Close-Up (1990) Kiarostami, Abbas [190]
256. Written on the Wind (1956) Sirk, Douglas [317]
257. Lost in Translation (2003) Coppola, Sofia [395]
258. Cabaret (1972) Fosse, Bob [281]
259. Children of Men (2006) Cuaron, Alfonso [459]
260. Big Lebowski, The (1998) Coen, Ethan and Joel [386]
261. Oldboy (2003) Park Chan-Wook [379]
262. Last Tango in Paris (1973) Bertolucci, Bernardo [337]
263. L'Âge d'or (1930) Buñuel, Luis [217]
264. Shadow of a Doubt (1943) Hitchcock, Alfred [104]
265. Rebel Without a Cause (1955) Ray, Nicholas [285]
266. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) Milestone, Lewis [165]
267. Night of the Living Dead (1968) Romero, George A. [331]
268. Band of Outsiders (Bande à part, 1964) Godard, Jean-Luc [374]
269. King's Speech (2010) Hooper, Tom [new]
270. Truman Show, The (1998) Weir, Peter [690]
271. Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) Allen, Woody [372]
272. Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975) Pasolini, Pier Paolo [241]
273. Cries and Whispers (1972) Bergman, Ingmar [308]
274. Producers, The (1968) Brooks, Mel [405]
275. Three Colours: Red (1994) Kieslowski, Krszystof [658]
276. Rocky (1976) Avildsen, John G. [225]
277. Army of Shadows (1969) Melville, Jean-Pierre [296]
278. Being John Malkovich (1999) Jonze, Spike [407]
279. Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980) Fassbinder, Rainer Werner [197]
280. Paisan (1946) Rossellini, Roberto [167]
281. Back to the Future (1985) Zemeckis, Robert [176]
282. Birds, The (1963) Hitchcock, Alfred [354]
283. Stagecoach (1939) Ford, John [219]
284. Tootsie (1982) Pollack, Sydney [213]
285. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) Spielberg, Steven [270]
286. L'Eclisse (1962) Antonioni, Michelangelo [305]
287. Thelma & Louise (1991) Scott, Ridley [208]
288. Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) Tarantino, Quentin [766]
289. Black Swan (2010) Aronofsky, Darren [new]
290. Let the Right One In (2008) Alfredson, Tomas [681]
291. Rome, Open City (1945) Rossellini, Roberto [238]
292. Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The (1919) Wiene, Robert [326]
293. That Obscure Object of Desire (1977) Buñuel, Luis [497]
294. Wrestler, The (2008) Aronofsky, Darren [508]
295. Out of the Past (1947) Tourneur, Jacques [239]
296. Sullivan's Travels (1941) Sturges, Preston [247]
297. World of Apu, The (1959) Ray, Satyajit [218]
298. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) Hand, David [260]
299. Le Samouraï (1967) Melville, Jean-Pierre [358]
300. Se7en (1995) Fincher, David [420]
301. Stalker (1979) Tarkovsky, Andrei [406]
302. Inception (2010) Nolan, Christopher [new]
303. McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971) Altman, Robert [278]
304. Week-End (1967) Godard, Jean-Luc [277]
305. Rushmore (1998) Anderson, Wes [540]
306. Up (2009) Docter, Peter [new]
307. Mirror, The (1976) Tarkovsky, Andrei [381]
308. Dead Ringers (1988) Cronenberg, David [355]
309. Brief Encounter (1945) Lean, David [127]
310. District 9 (2009) Blomkamp, Neill [new]
311. Diary of a Country Priest (1950) Bresson, Robert [251]
312. Last Picture Show, The (1971) Bogdanovich, Peter [283]
313. Léon (The Professional, 1994) Besson, Luc [421]
314. Patton (1970) Shaffner, Frank [203]
315. My Darling Clementine (1946) Ford, John [233]
316. Paris, Texas (1984) Wenders, Wim [390]
317. Talk to Her (2002) Almodóvar, Pedro [501]
318. Pandora's Box (1928) Pabst, G.W. [252]
319. Roman Holiday (1953) Wyler, William [302]
320. Magnolia (1999) Anderson, Paul Thomas [577]
321. Princess Bride, The (1987) Reiner, Rob [380]
322. Trouble in Paradise (1932) Lubitsch, Ernst [236]
323. Requiem for a Dream (2000) Aronofsky, Darren [463]
324. Mystic River (2003) Eastwood, Clint [613]
325. All That Heaven Allows (1955) Sirk, Douglas [235]
326. Performance (1970) Roeg, Nicolas/Donald Cammell [202]
327. Downfall (2004) Hirschbiegel, Oliver [485]
328. Suspiria (1977) Argento, Dario [351]
329. West Side Story (1961) Wise, Robert/Jerome Robbins [254]
330. Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928) Keaton, Buster/Charles F. Reisner [209]
331. To Be or Not to Be (1942) Lubitsch, Ernst [257]
332. Inglourious Basterds (2009) Tarantino, Quentin [new]
333. M*A*S*H (1970) Altman, Robert [389]
334. Day for Night (1973) Truffaut, François [291]
335. Y Tu Mamá También (2001) Cuarón, Alfonso [471]
336. Brokeback Mountain (2005) Lee, Ang [455]
337. Pinocchio (1940) Sharpsteen, Ben & Hamilton Luske [343]
338. Midnight Cowboy (1969) Schlesinger, John [294]
339. Breaking the Waves (1996) von Trier, Lars [449]
340. Philadelphia Story, The (1940) Cukor, George [148]
341. Two or Three Things I Know About Her (1966) Godard, Jean-Luc [215]
342. Don't Look Now (1973) Roeg, Nicolas [306]
343. American History X (1998) Kaye, Tony [428]
344. Double Life of Veronique, The (1991) Kieslowski, Krszystof [418]
345. Golden Coach, The (1952) Renoir, Jean [220]
346. Rio Bravo (1959) Hawks, Howard [304]
347. October (1927) Eisenstein, Sergei [222]
348. I Vitelloni (1953) Fellini, Federico [594]
349. Vampyr (1932) Dreyer, Carl [316]
350. Matter of Life and Death, A (1946) Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger [280]
351. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring (2003) Ki-duk Kim [991]
352. Howl's Moving Castle (2004) Miyazaki, Hayao [new]
353. Great Escape, The (1963) Sturges, John [299]
354. Napoléon (1927) Gance, Abel [232]
355. Mononoke-hime (1997) - anime Miyazaki, Hayao [556]
356. Sweet Hereafter, The (1997) Egoyan, Atom [319]
357. La Notte (1961) Antonioni, Michelangelo [363]
358. Deliverance (1972) Boorman, John [314]
359. Five Easy Pieces (1970) Rafelson, Bob [310]
360. Peeping Tom (1960) Powell, Michael [368]
361. Dekalog (1988) Kieslowski, Krszystof [237]
362. 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (2007) Mungiu, Cristian [430]
363. Chungking Express (1994) Wong Kar-Wai [534]
364. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Tarantino, Quentin [580]
365. Exterminating Angel, The (1962) Buñuel, Luis [402]
366. Killing, The (1956) Kubrick, Stanley [329]
367. Letters from Iwo Jima (2006) Eastwood, Clint [339]
368. Player, The (1992) Altman, Robert [338]
369. Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (1988) Almodóvar, Pedro [464]
370. I Was Born, But… (1932) Ozu, Yasujiro [627]
371. Red River (1948) Hawks, Howard [253]
372. 39 Steps, The (1935) Hitchcock, Alfred [346]
373. Thin Red Line, The (1998) Malick, Terrence [779]
374. Star Trek (2009) Abrams, J.J. [new]
375. Earth (1930) Dovzhenko, Alexander [250]
376. Bourne Ultimatum, The (2007) Greengrass, Paul [370]
377. Cool Hand Luke (1967) Rosenberg, Stuart [398]
378. Le Cercle Rouge (1970) Melville, Jean-Pierre [955]
379. Gandhi (1982) Attenborough, Richard [286]
380. Diner (1982) Levinson, Barry [347]
381. Sideways (2004) Payne, Alexander [359]
382. My Neighbour Totoro (1988) Miyazaki, Hayao [592]
383. Forbidden Games (1951) Clément, René [307]
384. Pépé le Moko (1937) Duvivier, Julien [720]
385. Wavelength (1967) Snow, Michael [263]
386. Raise the Red Lantern (1991) Zhang Yimou [303]
387. Johnny Guitar (1954) Ray, Nicholas [340]
388. Eraserhead (1977) Lynch, David [602]
389. Celebration (aka Festen) (1998) Vinterberg, Thomas [1165]
390. Spartacus (1960) Kubrick, Stanley [178]
391. Les Vampires (1915-16) Feuillade, Louis [266]
392. In a Lonely Place (1950) Ray, Nicholas [366]
393. King of Comedy, The (1982) Scorsese, Martin [376]
394. Freaks (1932) Browning, Tod [444]
395. Prestige, The (2006) Nolan, Christopher [487]
396. Laura (1944) Preminger, Otto [169]
397. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) Marquand, Richard [532]
398. Gertrud (1964) Dreyer, Carl [276]
399. Rise to Power of Louis XIV, The (1966) Rossellini, Roberto [279]
400. Secret in Their Eyes (2009) Campanella, Juan José [new]
401. Top Hat (1935) Sandrich, Mark [290]
402. Fantasia (1940) Sharpsteen, Ben [365]
403. Sting, The (1973) Hill, George Roy [375]
404. Lion King, The (1994) Allers, Roger & Minkoff, Robert [632]
405. Anatomy of a Murder (1959) Preminger, Otto [297]
406. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) Nichols, Mike [446]
407. Shane (1953) Stevens, George [287]
408. Red Desert (1964) Antonioni, Michelangelo [388]
409. Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (1971) Fassbinder, Rainer Werner [434]
410. Kiss Me Deadly (1955) Aldrich, Robert [341]
411. Sin City (2005) Rodgriguez, Robert [504]
412. Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) Minnelli, Vincente [293]
413. Night and Fog (1955) Resnais, Alain [458]
414. Princess Yang Kwei Fei (Yokihi, 1955) Mizoguchi, Kenji [830]
415. Secrets & Lies (1996) Leigh, Mike [385]
416. Adaptation (2002) Jonze, Spike [1269]
417. Age of Innocence, The (1993) Scorsese, Martin [633]
418. Before Sunset (2004) Linklater, Richard [669]
419. Los Olvidados (1950) Buñuel, Luis [371]
420. Three Colours: Blue (1993) Kieslowski, Krszystof [656]
421. White Heat (1949) Walsh, Raoul [327]
422. Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, The (1943) Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger [335]
423. Dead Man (1995) Jarmusch, Jim [638]
424. Fitzcarraldo (1982) Herzog, Werner [566]
425. Quiet Man, The (1952) Ford, John [301]
426. Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) Deren, Maya [477]
427. Shoot the Piano Player (1960) Truffaut, François [392]
428. Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979) Jones, Terry [678]
429. 12 Monkeys (1995) Gilliam, Terry [671]
430. Hurt Locker, The (2008) Bigelow, Kathryn [725]
431. Lola Montès (1955) Ophüls, Max [309]
432. Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948) Ophüls, Max [336]
433. Dawn of the Dead (1978) Romero, George A. [555]
434. Faces (1968) Cassavetes, John [422]
435. Night at the Opera, A (1935) Wood, Sam [342]
436. Gran Torino (2008) Eastwood, Clint [475]
437. Persepolis (2007) Paronnaud, Vincent & Satrapi, Marjane [696]
438. Black Narcissus (1946) Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger [411]
439. Orpheus (1950) Cocteau, Jean [364]
440. Landscape in the Mist (1988) Angelopoulos, Theo [321]
441. Band Wagon, The (1953) Minnelli, Vincente [312]
442. Aparajito (1956) Ray, Satyajit [313]
443. Tristana (1970) Buñuel, Luis [315]
444. Sans soleil (1963) Marker, Chris [466]
445. Life is Beautiful (1997) Begnini, Roberto [495]
446. Short Cuts (1993) Altman, Robert [843]
447. Le Million (1931) Clair, René [318]
448. Prophet, A (2009) Audiard, Jacques [new]
449. High and Low (1963) Kurosawa, Akira [517]
450. Harold and Maude (1971) Ashby, Hal [352]
451. Shadows (1959) Cassavetes, John [410]
452. Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970) Meyer, Russ [320]
453. Late Spring (1949) Ozu, Yasujiro [436]
454. Strike (1924) Eisenstein, Sergei [328]
455. All the President's Men (1972) Pakula, Alan J. [432]
456. Avatar (2009) Cameron, James [new]
457. Rope (1948) Hitchcock, Alfred [506]
458. Mr. Hulot's Holiday (1953) Tati, Jacques [330]
459. African Queen, The (1951) Huston, John [161]
460. Star is Born, A (1954) Cukor, George [333]
461. American Graffiti (1973) Lucas, George [356]
462. Stranger Than Paradise (1984) Jarmusch, Jim [628]
463. Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) Edwards, Blake [596]
464. Days of Being Wild (1990) Wong Kar-Wai [1119]
465. Frankenstein (1931) Whale, James [168]
466. Beau Travail (1998) Denis, Claire [401]
467. Barton Fink (1991) Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen [736]
468. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) Zemeckis, Robert [1108]
469. F for Fake (1973) Welles, Orson [525]
470. Sacrifice, The (1986) Tarkovsky, Andrei [587]
471. Ninotchka (1939) Lubitsch, Ernst [344]
472. Rififi (1955) Dassin, Jules [1262]
473. Asphalt Jungle, The (1950) Huston, John [350]
474. Lolita (1962) Kubrick, Stanley [652]
475. An Actor's Revenge (1963) Ichikawa, Kon [601]
476. Waltz with Bashir (2008) Folman, Ari [635]
477. Ed Wood (1994) Burton, Tim [724]
478. Juliet of the Spirits (1965) Fellini, Federico [784]
479. Thing, The (1982) Carpenter, John [640]
480. Marriage of Maria Braun, The (1979) Fassbinder, Rainer Werner [426]
481. Great Expectations (1946) Lean, David [180]
482. Videodrome (1983) Cronenberg, David [707]
483. English Patient, The (1996) Minghella, Anthony [503]
484. Ivan the Terrible, Part One (1944) Eisenstein, Sergei [357]
485. Toy Story 2 (1999) Lasseter, John & Brannon, Ash [791]
486. Man on Wire (2008) Marsh, James [714]
487. Senso (1954) Visconti, Luchino [353]
488. Sound of Music, The (1965) Wise, Robert [369]
489. Edward Scissorhands (1990) Burton, Tim [840]
490. Fallen Idol, The (1948) Reed, Carol [888]
491. Come and See (1985) Klimov, Elem [559]
492. Crumb (1994) Zwigoff, Terry [611]
493. Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) Anderson, Wes [new]
494. Last Temptation of Christ, The (1988) Scorsese, Martin [911]
495. Mother and the Whore, The (1973) Eustache, Jean [424]
496. Mouchette (1967) Bresson, Robert [493]
497. Evil Dead II (1987) Raimi, Sam [641]
498. Straight Story, The (1999) Lynch, David [747]
499. Doctor Zhivago (1965) Lean, David [400]
500. Hotel Rwanda (2004) George, Terry [515]
501. Crowd, The (1928) Vidor, King [362]
502. Crying Game, The (1992) Jordan, Neil [413]
503. Werckmeister Harmonies (2000) Tarr, Bela & Hranitzky, Agnes [614]
504. 1900 (1976) Bertolucci, Bernardo [367]
505. To Have and Have Not (1944) Hawks, Howard [409]
506. V for Vendetta (2005) McTeigue, James [644]
507. Last Laugh (1924) Murnau, F.W. [425]
508. For a Few Dollars More (1965) Leone, Sergio [541]
509. Alexander Nevsky (1938) Eisenstein, Sergei [373]
510. Carrie (1976) De Palma, Brian [522]
511. Closely Watched Trains (1966) Menzel, Jirí [427]
512. Winter Light (1962) Bergman, Ingmar [675]
513. 42nd Street (1933) Bacon, Lloyd [377]
514. Insider, The (1999) Mann, Michael [1103]
515. Awful Truth, The (1937) McCarey, Leo [378]
516. Death in Venice (1971) Visconti, Luchino [433]
517. Gladiator (2000) Scott, Ridley [394]
518. Scarface (1932) Hawks, Howard [440]
519. Ghost World (2001) Zwigoff, Terry [755]
520. Imitation of Life (1959) Sirk, Douglas [391]
521. White Ribbon, The (2009) Haneke, Michael [new]
522. Taste of Cherry, A (1997) Kiarostami, Abbas [507]
523. If… (1968) Anderson, Lindsay [535]
524. Milk (2008) Van Sant, Gus [new]
525. Volver (2006) Almodóvar, Pedro [new]
526. Sixth Sense, The (1999) Shyamalan, M. Knight [578]
527. À nous la liberté (1931) Clair, René [382]
528. How Green Was My Valley (1941) Ford, John [383]
529. Traffic (2000) Soderbergh, Steve [800]
530. Dazed and Confused (1993) Linklater, Richard [981]
531. After Hours (1985) Scorsese, Martin [642]
532. Voyage in Italy (1953) Rossellini, Roberto [387]
533. Hidden (Caché, 2005) Haneke, Michael [new]
534. Dead Poets Society (1989) Weir, Peter [828]
535. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) Hughes, John [767]
536. Punch-Drunk Love (2002) Anderson, Paul Thomas [1202]
537. Wind Will Carry Us, The (1999) Kiarostami, Abbas [512]
538. Chimes at Midnight (1966) Welles, Orson [404]
539. Lola (1961) Demy, Jacques [393]
540. Grizzly Man (2005) Herzog, Werner [841]
541. Sátántangó (1994) Tarr, Béla [548]
542. Beauty and the Beast (1992) Trousdale, Gary [1142]
543. Platoon (1986) Stone, Oliver [396]
544. Alphaville (1965) Godard, Jean-Luc [728]
545. Once (2006) Carney, John [746]
546. Day of Wrath (1943) Dreyer, Carl [488]
547. Long Goodbye, The (1973) Altman, Robert [545]
548. All That Jazz (1979) Fosse, Bob [483]
549. Tree of Wooden Clogs, The (1978) Olmi, Ermanno [403]
550. Point Blank (1967) Boorman, John [474]
551. Ivan the Terrible, Part Two (1946) Eisenstein, Sergei [415]
552. Killing of a Chinese Bookie, The (1976) Cassavetes, John [568]
553. Silence, The (1963) Bergman, Ingmar [651]
554. Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, The (1974) Herzog, Werner [573]
555. Dirty Harry (1971) Siegel, Don [547]
556. L'Argent (1983) Bresson, Robert [441]
557. Being There (1979) Ashby, Hal [772]
558. Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010) Banksy [new]
559. Smiles of a Summer Night (1955) Bergman, Ingmar [460]
560. Monsieur Verdoux (1947) Chaplin, Charles [423]
561. Shop Around the Corner, The (1940) Lubitsch, Ernst [469]
562. Le Jour se lève (1939) Carné, Marcel [416]
563. Big Heat, The (1953) Lang, Fritz [467]
564. Travelling Players, The (1975) Angelopoulos, Theo [419]
565. sex, lies, and videotape (1989) Soderberg, Steve [666]
566. Ace in the Hole (1951) Wilder, Billy [605]
567. Shutter Island (2010) Scorsese, Martin [new]
568. Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Kubrick, Stanley [1048]
569. Ponyo (anime, 2008) Miyazaki, Hayao [new]
570. Down by Law (1986) Jarmusch, Jim [930]
571. Stand by Me (1986) Reiner, Rob [622]
572. Royal Tenenbaums, The (2001) Anderson, Wes [1135]
573. East of Eden (1955) Kazan, Elia [550]
574. Reds (1981) Beatty, Warren [429]
575. Place in the Sun, A (1951) Stevens, George [431]
576. Colour of Pomegranate, The (Sayat Nova, 1968) Parajanov, Sergei [579]
577. Nostalghia (1983) Tarkovsky, Andrei [624]
578. Thief of Bagdad, The (1940) Powell, Michael/Ludwig Berger/Tim Whelan [435]
579. Ivan's Childhood (1962) Tarkovsky, Andrei [745]
580. Germany, Year Zero (1947) Rossellini, Roberto [468]
581. An American in Paris (1951) Minnelli, Vincente [437]
582. Music Room, The (1958) Ray, Satyajit [438]
583. In the Realm of the Senses (1976) Oshima, Nagisa [480]
584. Only Angels Have Wings (1939) Hawks, Howard [451]
585. In Bruges (2008) McDonagh, Martin [710]
586. My Fair Lady (1964) Cukor, George [439]
587. Queen, The (2006) Frears, Stephen [482]
588. Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (1974) Peckinpah, Sam [582]
589. Good Will Hunting (1997) Van Sant, Gus [792]
590. Hero (2002) Yimou, Zhang [new]
591. Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010) Weerasethakul, Apichatpong [new]
592. Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (1964) Parajanov, Sergei [511]
593. Gosford Park (2001) Altman, Robert [685]
594. Ben-Hur (1926) Niblo, Fred [1152]
595. Shakespeare in Love (1998) Madden, John [564]
596. Shine (1996) Hicks, Scott [575]
597. Russian Ark (2002) Sokurov, Aleksandr [900]
598. Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962) Varda, Agnès [818]
599. Mildred Pierce (1945) Curtiz, Michael [445]
600. This Is England (2006) Meadows, Shane [922]
601. Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant, The (1972) Fassbinder, Rainer Werner [524]
602. Nanook of the North (1922) Flaherty, Robert [447]
603. Winter's Bone (2010) Granik, Debra [new]
604. Swing Time (1936) Stevens, George [448]
605. Gimme Shelter (1970) Maysles, Albert/David Maysles/Charlotte Zwerin [1001]
606. Tabu (1931) Murnau, F.W. [450]
607. Nobody Knows (2004) Kore-eda, Hirokazu [793]
608. Walkabout (1971) Roeg, Nicolas [674]
609. Now, Voyager (1942) Rapper, Irving [452]
610. River, The (1951) Renoir, Jean [453]
611. American Splendor (2003) Berman, Shari, and Pulcini, Robert [682]
612. History of Violence, A (2005) Cronenberg, David [new]
613. Farewell, My Concubine (1993) Chen Kaige [456]
614. Triumph of the Will (1935) Riefenstahl, Leni [457]
615. Cat People (1942) Tourneur, Jacques [516]
616. Dead, The (1987) Huston, John [461]
617. Story of the Late Chrysanthemums, The (1939) Mizoguchi, Kenji [462]
618. Faust (1926) Murnau, F.W. [586]
619. Class, The (2008) Cantet, Laurent [598]
620. Crime of Monsieur Lange, The (1936) Renoir, Jean [470]
621. Lady Vanishes, The (1938) Hitchcock, Alfred [295]
622. Lady from Shanghai, The (1947) Welles, Orson [616]
623. Little Miss Sunshine (2006) Dayton, Jonathan & Faris, Valerie [785]
624. Squid and the Whale, The (2005) Baumbach, Noah [new]
625. Dumbo (1941) Sharpsteen, Ben [694]
626. Raising Arizona (1987) Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen [815]
627. Serious Man, A (2009) Coen Bros. [new]
628. Green Mile, The (1999) Darabont, Frank [530]
629. Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975) Weir, Peter [733]
630. Miracle in Milan (1951) De Sica, Vittorio [476]
631. Naked (1993) Leigh, Mike [873]
632. Underground (1995) Kusturica, Emir [759]
633. Make Way for Tomorrow (1937) McCarey, Leo [500]
634. Odd Man Out (1947) Reed, Carol [479]
635. Life of Oharu, The (1952) Mizoguchi, Kenji [481]
636. Woman in the Dunes (1964) Teshigahara, Hiroshi [860]
637. Floating Clouds (1955) Naruse, Mikio [484]
638. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960) Reisz, Karel [486]
639. Happiness (1998) Solondz, Todd [866]
640. Dr. Mabuse, The Gambler (1922) Lang, Fritz [489]
641. Atlantic City (1980) Malle, Louis [491]
642. Kings of the Road (1976) Wenders, Wim [492]
643. Detour (1945) Ulmer, Edgar G. [494]
644. Atonement (2007) Wright, Joe [1038]
645. Salvatore Giuliano (1961) Rosi, Francesco [496]
646. Dersu Uzala (1975) Kurosawa, Akira [646]
647. El Verdugo (1963) Berlanga, Luis García [498]
648. Braveheart (1995) Gibson, Mel [509]
649. My Night at Maud's (1969) Rohmer, Eric [499]
650. Tree of Life, The (2011) Malick, Terrence [new]
651. Hunger (2008) McQueen, Steve [new]
652. Capote (2005) Miller, Bennett [762]
653. Mary and Max (2009) Elliot, Adam [new]
654. 35 Shots of Rum (2008) Denis, Claire [new]
655. Day the Earth Stood Still, The (1951) Wise, Robert [323]
656. Time to Live and the Time to Die, The (1985) Hou, Hsiao-Hsien [502]
657. Dial M for Murder (1954) Hitchcock, Alfred [703]
658. Lost Highway (1997) Lynch, David [1115]
659. Juno (2007) Reitman, Jason [new]
660. L'Enfant (The Child, 2005) Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc [796]
661. Infernal Affairs (2002) Lau (Wai-keung), Mak (Alan) [new]
662. Kes (1969) Loach, Ken [527]
663. Daisies (1966) Chytilová, Vera [758]
664. Scenes from a Marriage (1973) Bergman, Ingmar [959]
665. Far from Heaven (2002) Haynes, Todd [1258]
666. Scarlet Empress, The (1934) von Sternberg, Josef [505]
667. Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India (2001) Gowariker, Ashutosh [new]
668. Castle in the Sky (1986) Miyazaki, Hayao [new]
669. Two-Lane Blacktop (1971) Hellman, Monte [630]
670. Killer, The (1989) Woo, John [711]
671. Fog of War, The (2003) Morris, Errol [810]
672. City of Sadness, A (1989) Hou, Hsiao-Hsien [510]
673. Miller's Crossing (1990) Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen [992]
674. Host, The (2006) Bong, Joon-ho [1045]
675. Wind, The (1928) Sjöström, Victor [513]
676. Boudu Saved from Drowning (1932) Renoir, Jean [514]
677. Cameraman, The (1928) Keaton, Buster/Edward Sedgwick [543]
678. Man of Aran (1934) Flaherty, Robert [519]
679. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) Spielberg, Steven [520]
680. Teorema (1968) Pasolini, Pier Paolo [660]
681. Marnie (1964) Hitchcock, Alfred [542]
682. Fellini Satyricon (1969) Fellini, Federico [571]
683. Kagemusha (1980) Kurosawa, Akira [757]
684. Limelight (1952) Chaplin, Charles [570]
685. El (1952) Buñuel, Luis [521]
686. United 93 (2006) Greengrass, Paul [688]
687. Waking Life (anime, 2001) Linklater, Richard [new]
688. Navigator, The (1924) Keaton, Buster/Donald Crisp [523]
689. It's a Gift (1934) McLeod, Norman Z. [526]
690. Carlos (2010) Assayas , Olivier [new]
691. Superman II (1980) Donner, Richard [557]
692. Thin Blue Line, The (1988) Morris, Errol [978]
693. Wedding March, The (1928) von Stroheim, Erich [528]
694. Man Who Fell to Earth, The (1976) Roeg, Nicolas [680]
695. Black God, White Devil (1964) Rocha, Glauber [529]
696. Accattone (1961) Pasolini, Pier Paolo [552]
697. An Education (2009) Scherfig, Lone [new]
698. Charulata (1964) Ray, Satyajit [531]
699. Leaving Las Vegas (1996) Figgis, Mike [1050]
700. Eastern Promises (2007) Cronenberg, David [new]
701. Batman Begins (2005) Nolan, Christopher [518]
702. Olympia (1938) Riefenstahl, Leni [533]
703. Loves of a Blonde (1965) Forman, Milos [554]
704. Iron Giant, The (1999) Bird, Brad [1033]
705. Alice in the Cities (1974) Wenders, Wim [581]
706. I Am Cuba (1964) Kalatozov, Mikheil [639]
707. Local Hero (1983) Forsyth, Bill [536]
708. Black Orpheus (1959) Camus, Marcel [1126]
709. Still Walking (2008) Koreeda, Hirokazu [new]
710. Canterbury Tale, A (1944) Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger [538]
711. In a Year with 13 Moons (1978) Fassbinder, Rainer Werner [539]
712. A Woman is a Woman (1961) Godard, Jean-Luc [947]
713. Sita Sings the Blues (2008) Paley, Nina [new]
714. Claire's Knee (1970) Rohmer, Eric [645]
715. Casque d'or (1952) Becker, Jacques [544]
716. Mother (Mat, 1926) Pudovkin, Vsevolod [857]
717. Blood Simple (1984) Coen Bros. [new]
718. Don't Look Back (1967) Pennebaker, D.A. [546]
719. Reversal of Fortune (1990) Schroeder, Barbet [588]
720. Providence (1977) Resnais, Alain [549]
721. Right Stuff, The (1983) Kaufman, Philip [551]
722. Straw Dogs (1971) Peckinpah, Sam [905]
723. Zodiac (2007) Fincher, David [new]
724. Stop Making Sense (1984) Demme, Jonathan [735]
725. Frantic (1988) Polanski, Roman [new]
726. House of Flying Daggers (2004) Yimou Zhang [712]
727. Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) Capra, Frank [537]
728. Witness for the Prosecution (1957) Wilder, Billy [560]
729. My Perestroika (2010) Hessman, Robin [new]
730. Snatch (2000) Ritchie, Guy [607]
731. Capturing the Friedmans (2003) Jarecki, Andrew [692]
732. Servant, The (1963) Losey, Joseph [561]
733. Moolaadé (2004) Sembene, Ousmane [617]
734. Son, The (Le Fils, 2002) Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc [926]
735. Pyaasa (Thirst, 1957) Dutt, Guru [562]
736. Fast Runner, The (2001) Kunuk, Zacharias [620]
737. Paranoid Park (2007) Van Sant, Gus [new]
738. Triplets of Belleville, The (2003) Chomet, Sylvain [626]
739. Chelsea Girls (1967) Warhol, Andy [565]
740. Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (1970) Petri, Elio [new]
741. Zelig (1983) Allen, Woody [861]
742. Our Hospitality (1923) Keaton, Buster/John Blystone [569]
743. Through a Glass Darkly (1961) Bergman, Ingmar [999]
744. Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001) Mitchell, John Cameron [1022]
745. Up in the Air (2009) Reitman, Jason [new]
746. An Autumn Afternoon (1962) Ozu, Yasujiro [593]
747. Plaisir, Le (1951) Ophüls, Max [572]
748. Return, The (2003) Zvyagintsev, Andrei [new]
749. Memories of Underdevelopment (1968) Alea, Tomás Gutiérrez [574]
750. Midnight Run (1988) Brest, Martin [829]
751. Bloody Sunday (2002) Greengrass, Paul [659]
752. Before Sunrise (1995) Linklater, Richard [new]
753. Bambi (1942) Hand, David [576]
754. Welcome to the Dollhouse (1995) Solondz, Todd [new]
755. My Voyage to Italy (1999) Scorsese, Martin [653]
756. La Commune (Paris, 1871) (2000) Watkins, Peter [new]
757. Fish Called Wanda, A (1988) Crichton, Charles [971]
758. In the Loop (2009) Iannucci, Armando [new]
759. Topsy-Turvy (1999) Leigh, Mike [663]
760. Gun Crazy (Deadly is the Female, 1950) Lewis, Joseph H. [583]
761. Tom Jones (1963) Richardson, Tony [585]
762. Blow Out (1981) De Palma, Brian [647]
763. Almost Famous (2000) Crowe, Cameron [677]
764. Into the Wild (2007) Penn, Sean [589]
765. She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) Ford, John [590]
766. Poetry (Shi, 2010) Lee, Chang-dong [new]
767. Mad Max 2 (The Road Warrior, 1981) Miller, George [591]
768. Best of Youth, The (2003) Giordana, Marco Tullio [702]
769. 4 Little Girls (1997) Lee, Spike [708]
770. Funny Girl (1968) Wyler, William [new]
771. Short Film About Killing, A (1988) Kieslowski, Krszystof [846]
772. Titanic (1997) Cameron, James [875]
773. Cloud-Capped Star, The (1960) Ghatak, Ritwik [595]
774. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006) Charles, Larry [715]
775. Half Nelson (2006) Fleck, Ryan [995]
776. Happiness (1934) Medvedkin, Aleksandr [1058]
777. No End in Sight (2007) Ferguson, Charles [732]
778. Blood of a Poet, The (1930) Cocteau, Jean [693]
779. Goodbye Solo (2008) Bahrani, Ramin [718]
780. Monsters, Inc. (2001) Dokter, Unkrich, Silverman [new]
781. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) Burton, Tim [new]
782. They Were Expendable (1945) Ford, John [597]
783. Edge of Heaven, The (2007) Akin, Fatih [964]
784. In Cold Blood (1967) Brooks, Richard [new]
785. Love Me Tonight (1932) Mamoulian, Rouben [600]
786. 127 Hours (2010) Boyle, Danny [new]
787. Happy-Go-Lucky (2008) Leigh, Mike [new]
788. Hidden Fortress, The (1958) Kurosawa, Akira [864]
789. 2046 (2004) Wong Kar-Wai [new]
790. Quai des Orfèvres (1947) Clouzot, Henri-Georges [new]
791. Affair to Remember, An (1957) McCarey, Leo [603]
792. Piccadilly (1929) Dupont, Ewald André [new]
793. Bigger Than Life (1956) Ray, Nicholas [700]
794. La Terra trema (1948) Visconti, Luchino [606]
795. Memories of Murder (2003) Bong, Joon-ho [new]
796. Last Waltz , The (1978) Scorsese, Martin [new]
797. Superman: The Movie (1978) Donner, Richard [750]
798. Moment of Innocence, A (1996) Makhmalbaf, Mohsen [608]
799. I Know Where I'm Going! (1945) Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger [609]
800. Some Came Running (1958) Minnelli, Vincente [610]
801. Tulpan (2008) Dvortsevoy, Sergei [760]
802. Le Boucher (1970) Chabrol, Claude [612]
803. Overlord (1975) Cooper, Stuart [764]
804. Sense and Sensibility (1995) Lee, Ang [1226]
805. Film Unfinished, A (2010) Hersonski, Yael [new]
806. Young Girls of Rochefort, The (1967) Demy, Jacques [615]
807. Time Out (2001) Cantet, Laurent [771]
808. Love Streams (1984) Cassavetes, John [618]
809. Terra em Transe (1967) Rocha, Glauber [619]
810. My Life as a Dog (1985) Hallström, Lasse [621]
811. Away from Her (2006) Polley, Sarah [775]
812. Mafioso (bw, 1962) Lattuada, Alberto [new]
813. In the Heat of the Night (1967) Jewison, Norman [325]
814. Henry V (1944) Olivier, Laurence [408]
815. Inside Job (2010) Ferguson, Charles [new]
816. Muriel ou Le Temps d'un Retour (1963) Resnais, Alain [623]
817. Chicken Run (2000) Park, Nick & Lord, Peter [783]
818. French Cancan (1954) Renoir, Jean [625]
819. Shaun of the Dead (2004) Wright, Edgar [new]
820. Quiz Show (1994) Redford, Robert [812]
821. My Winnipeg (2007) Maddin, Guy [1098]
822. 45365 (2009) Ross, Bill IV [new]
823. Happy Together (1997) Wong Kar-Wai [1087]
824. Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) Foley, James [new]
825. Little Women (1994) Armstrong, Gillian [799]
826. Seven Chances (1925) Keaton, Buster [629]
827. Phantom of Liberty, The (1974) Buñuel, Luis [837]
828. I Travel Because I Have to, I Come Back Because I Love You (2009) Ainouz, Karim & Gomes, Marcello [new]
829. Gomorra (2008) Garrone, Matteo [807]
830. Lancelot du Lac (1974) Bresson, Robert [631]
831. Kids Are All Right, The (2010) Cholodenko, Lisa [new]
832. Howards End (1992) Ivory, James [814]
833. Arbor, The (2010) Barnard, Clio [new]
834. Boys Don't Cry (1999) Pierce, Kimberly [878]
835. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) Ritchie, Guy [673]
836. Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) Park, Nick & Box, Steve [817]
837. Serpico (1973) Lumet, Sydney [new]
838. Foolish Wives (1922) von Stroheim, Erich [634]
839. Maria Full of Grace (2004) Marston, Joshua [822]
840. Hot Fuzz (2007) Wright, Edgar [new]
841. Europa '51 (1952) Rossellini, Roberto [636]
842. Fellini's Casanova (1976) Fellini, Federico [637]
843. Fateless (2005) Koltai, Lajos [826]
844. Three Colours: White (1994) Kieslowski, Krszystof [958]
845. Cranes Are Flying, The (1957) Kalatozishvili, Mikheil [877]
846. Tarnation (2003) Caouette, Jonathan [836]
847. American Movie (1999) Smith, Chris [1110]
848. Murderball (2005) Rubin, Henry Alex & Shapiro, Dana Adam [839]
849. Blue Valentine (2010) Cianfrance, Derek [new]
850. India Song (1975) Duras, Marguerite [643]
851. 13 Assassins (2010) Miike, Takashi [new]
852. Marooned in Iraq (2002) Ghobadi, Bahman [849]
853. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007) Lumet, Sydney [new]
854. How to Train Your Dragon (2010) DeBlois (Dean), Sanders (Chris) [new]
855. Tillman Story, The (2010) Bar-Lev, Amir [new]
856. Distant Voices, Still Lives (1988) Davies, Terence [649]
857. Breaking Away (1979) Yates, Peter [1220]
858. To Die For (1995) Van Sant, Gus [855]
859. Revanche (2008) Spielmann, Götz [new]
860. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) Gilliam, Terry [new]
861. 42 UP (1998) Apted, Michael [862]
862. Say Anything… (1989) Crowe, Cameron [867]
863. Crash (1996) Cronenberg, David [986]
864. Bad Education (2004) Almodóvar, Pedro [new]
865. Young Mr. Lincoln (1939) Ford, John [655]
866. Harakiri (1962) Kobayashi, Masaki [1140]
867. To Be and to Have (2002) Philibert, Nicolas [874]
868. Miracle of Morgan's Creek, The (1944) Sturges, Preston [657]
869. I Walked with a Zombie (1943) Tourneur, Jacques [687]
870. Room with a View, A (1986) Ivory, James [1070]
871. Cove, The (2009) Psihoyos, Louie [new]
872. Au Revoir, Les Enfants (1987) Malle, Louis [1084]
873. Illusionist, The (2010) Chomet, Sylvain [new]
874. Ten (2002) Kiarostami, Abbas [892]
875. In the Bedroom (2001) Field, Todd [889]
876. Distant (2002) Ceylan, Nuri Bilge [new]
877. Devil is a Woman, The (1935) von Sternberg, Josef [661]
878. Je rentre à la maison (I'm Going Home, 2001) de Oliveira, Manoel [new]
879. Touch of Zen, A (1971) Hu, King [662]
880. Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2010) Herzog, Werner [new]
881. Drag Me to Hell (2009) Raimi, Sam [new]
882. Virgin Spring, The (1960) Bergman, Ingmar [1155]
883. Of Gods and Men (2010) Beauvois, Xavier [new]
884. Beaches of Agnès, The (2008) Varda, Agnès [new]
885. On the Town (1949) Donen, Stanley/Gene Kelly [664]
886. Purple Rose of Cairo, The (1985) Allen, Woody [962]
887. Pickup on South Street (1953) Fuller, Sam [824]
888. Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) Kramer, Stanley [584]
889. True Grit (2010) Coen Bros. [new]
890. Children of Hiroshima (1952) Shindô, Kaneto [new]
891. Deliver Us from Evil (2006) Berg, Amy [903]
892. Que viva Mexico! (1932) Eisenstein, Sergei [665]
893. Under the Sand (2000) Ozon, Francois [913]
894. Circus, The (1928) Chaplin, Charles [667]
895. Dogville (2003) von Trier, Lars [new]
896. High Fidelity (2000) Frears, Stephen [new]
897. Christmas Tale, A (2008) Desplechin, Arnaud [1090]
898. Coraline (2009) Selick, Henry [new]
899. Grifters, The (1990) Frears, Stephen [916]
900. Last Emperor, The (1987) Bertolucci, Bernardo [1056]
901. 24 Hour Party People (2002) Winterbottom, Michael [1062]
902. Tin Drum, The (1979) Schlöndorff, Volker [854]
903. Antonio das Mortes (1969) Rocha, Glauber [670]
904. Wild Child, The (1970) Truffaut, François [672]
905. Akira (anime, 1988) Ôtomo, Katsuhiro [new]
906. Our Daily Bread (2005) Geyrhalter, Nikolaus [new]
907. Certified Copy (2010) Kiarostami, Abbas [new]
908. Spring in a Small Town (1948) Fei Mu [676]
909. Bob le flambeur (1956) Melville, Jean-Pierre [768]
910. Rachel Getting Married (2008) Demme, Jonathan [new]
911. Sweet Sixteen (2002) Loach, Ken [929]
912. La Chienne (1931) Renoir, Jean [679]
913. Lilya 4-Ever (2002) Moodysson, Lucas [new]
914. Party, The (1968) Edwards, Blake [726]
915. Fugitive, The (1993) Davis, Andrew [936]
916. Dancer in the Dark (2000) von Trier, Lars [new]
917. Last Train Home (2009) Fan, Lixie [new]
918. Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film (1991) Burns, Rick [941]
919. Quadrophenia (1979) Roddam, Franc [1003]
920. Devils, The (aka ..of Loudun, 1971) Russell, Ken [686]
921. Flight of the Red Balloon, The (2007) Hsiao-hsien Hou [944]
922. Before Night Falls (2000) Schnabel, Julian [948]
923. Time of the Gypsies (1988) Kusturica, Emir [770]
924. Children Underground (2001) Belzberg, Edet [961]
925. Hours, The (2002) Daldry, Steven [new]
926. Life Aquatic w Steve Zissou (2004) Anderson, Wes [new]
927. Stalag 17 (1953) Wilder, Billy [683]
928. You Can Count On Me (2000) Lonergan, Kenneth [954]
929. There's Always Tomorrow (1956) Sirk, Douglas [689]
930. Goldfinger (1964) Hamilton, Guy [904]
931. JFK (1991) Stone, Oliver [691]
932. Savages, The (2007) Jenkins, Tamara [968]
933. Lebanon (2009) Maoz, Samuel [new]
934. Endurance: Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition, The (2000) Butler, George [970]
935. Brighter Summer Day, A (1991) Yang, Edward [723]
936. Nostalgia for the Light (2010) Guzmán, Patricio [new]
937. Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973) Peckinpah, Sam [695]
938. Offside (2006) Panahi, Jafar [973]
939. Ossessione (1943) Visconti, Luchino [697]
940. Los Angeles Plays Itself (2003) Andersen, Thom [976]
941. Knocked Up (2007) Apatow, Judd [980]
942. Europa (1991) von Trier, Lars [931]
943. Fly, The (1986) Cronenberg, David [new]
944. Bad and the Beautiful, The (1952) Minnelli, Vincente [699]
945. Turtles Can Fly (2004) Ghobadi, Bahman [982]
946. Festival Express (2003) Smeaton & Cvitanovich [987]
947. And Life Goes On (1991) Kiarostami, Abbas [701]
948. Where is the Friend's Home? (1987) Kiarostami, Abbas [704]
949. Les Dames du Bois de Boulogne (1945) Bresson, Robert [705]
950. Vincere (2009) Bellocchio, Marco [new]
951. Passion (1982) Godard, Jean-Luc [706]
952. Airplane! (1980) Abrahams, Jim [1082]
953. Street Fight (2005) Curry, Marshall [1000]
954. Nightmare Before Christmas, The (1993) Selick, Henry [new]
955. Love and Diane (2002) Dworkin, Jennifer [1008]
956. Fish Tank (2009) Arnold, Andrea [new]
957. Fox and His Friends (1975) Fassbinder, Rainer Werner [709]
958. O Brother, Where Art Thou (2000) Coen Bros. [new]
959. About Schmidt (2002) Payne, Alexander [1002]
960. King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, The (2007) Gordon, Seth [new]
961. Red Beard (1965) Kurosawa, Akira [921]
962. Domestic Violence (2001) Wiseman, Frederick [1009]
963. Neil Young: Heart of Gold (2006) Demme, Jonathan [1012]
964. Last Seduction, The (1993) Dahl, John [1017]
965. Man Without a Past, The (2002) Kaurismaki, Aki [1106]
966. La Belle Noiseuse (1991) Rivette, Jacques [782]
967. Intruder, The (L'innocent, 1976) Visconti, Luchino [1025]
968. Synecdoche, New York (2008) Kaufman, Charlie [new]
969. Hart of London, The (1970) Chambers, Jack [713]
970. Forbidden Lie$ (2007) Broinowski, Anna [1030]
971. Sun, The (2005) Sokurov, Aleksandr [new]
972. Innocents, The (1961) Clayton, Jack [744]
973. Alexandra (2007) Sokurov, Aleksandr [new]
974. Man for All Seasons, A (1966) Zinnemann, Fred [716]
975. Sawdust and Tinsel (1953) Bergman, Ingmar [717]
976. Sauve qui peut (la vie) (1980) Godard, Jean-Luc [719]
977. Touchez Pas A Grisbi (1954) Becker, Jacques [new]
978. Remains of the Day, The (1993) Ivory, James [new]
979. Out of Sight (1998) Soderbergh, Steven [1052]
980. Angel (1937) Lubitsch, Ernst [721]
981. Hour of the Furnaces, The (1968) Getino, Octavio & Fernando E. Solanas [722]
982. Restrepo (2010) Hetherington, Tim & Junger, Sebastian [new]
983. Passing Strange (2009) Lee, Spike [new]
984. Meek's Cutoff (2010) Reichardt, Kelly [new]
985. Paragraph 175 (2000) Epstein, Rob & Friedman, Jeffrey [1065]
986. La Région Centrale (1971) Snow, Michael [727]
987. Sound and Fury (2000) Aronson, Josh [1072]
988. Long Night's Journey Into Day (2001) Hoffman, Deborah [new]
989. Black Rain (1989) Imamura, Shohei [new]
990. Summer Hours (2008) Assayas, Olivier [new]
991. Damned, The (1969) Visconti, Luchino [729]
992. From Here to Eternity (1953) Zinnemann, Fred [730]
993. Spider's Stratagem, The (1970) Bertolucci, Bernardo [731]
994. Death of Mr. Lazarescu, The (2005) Puiu, Cristi [new]
995. Circle, The (Dayereh, 2000) Panahi, Jafar [1069]
996. Since Otar Left (2003) Bertucelli, Julie [1075]
997. Z Channel: A Magnificent Obsession (2004) Cassavetes, Alexandra [new]
998. Control (2007) Corbijn, Anton [new]
999. Sling Blade (1996) Thornton, Billy Bob [1081]
1000. Run Lola Run (1998) Tykwer, Tom [new]
1001. Funny Face (1957) Donen, Stanley [734]
1002. In the Shadow of the Moon (2007) Sington, David [1093]
1003. Splendor in the Grass (1961) Kazan, Elia [737]
1004. Big Risk, The (1960) Sautet, Claude [new]
1005. Misfits, The (1961) Huston, John [738]
1006. Secret Sunshine (2007) Lee, Chang-dong [new]
1007. Angel at My Table, An (1990) Campion, Jane [739]
1008. Bright Star (2009) Campion, Jane [new]
1009. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) Siegel, Don [348]
1010. Murmur of the Heart (1971) Malle, Louis [939]
1011. Through the Olive Trees (1994) Kiarostami, Abbas [741]
1012. Stromboli (1950) Rossellini, Roberto [742]
1013. Calle 54 (2000) Trueba, Fernando [1086]
1014. Up the Yangtze (2007) Chang, Yung [new]
1015. Tiger of Eschnapur, The (1959) Lang, Fritz [743]
1016. Elephant (2003) Van Sant, Gus [new]
1017. Lantana (2001) Lawrence, Ray [new]
1018. Wendy and Lucy (2008) Reichart, Kelly [new]
1019. Seraphine (2008) Provost, Martin [895]
1020. Paprika (anime) (2006) Kon, Satoshi [new]
1021. 49 Up (2005) Apted, Michael [new]
1022. Broadcast News (1987) Brooks, James [new]
1023. Duel in the Sun (1946) Vidor, King [748]
1024. Encounters at the End of the World (2007) Herzog, Werner [new]
1025. Big Fish (2003) Burton, Tim [773]
1026. Ludwig (1972) Visconti, Luchino [751]
1027. No Man's Land (1987) Tanovic, Danis [new]
1028. Barren Lives (1963) Dos Santos, Nelson Pereira [754]
1029. Get Carter (1971) Hodges, Mike [778]
1030. Storm Over Asia (1928) Pudovkin, Vsevolod [756]
1031. Darwin's Nightmare (2004) Sauper, Hubert [new]
1032. Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005) Clooney, George [new]
1033. Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench (2009) Chazelle, Damien [new]
1034. Election (1999) Payne, Alexander [new]
1035. Kings & Queen (2004) Desplechin, Arnaud [new]
1036. Old Joy (2006) Reichardt, Kelly [new]
1037. 500 Days of Summer Webb, Marc [new]
1038. Medea (1988) Von Trier, Lars [new]
1039. Hôtel Terminus (1988) Ophüls, Marcel [761]
1040. Shrek (2001) Adamson, Andrew [new]
1041. Tenant, The (1976) Polanski, Roman [994]
1042. Momma's Man (2008) Jacobs, Azazel [new]
1043. In the Name of the Father (1993) Sheridan, Jim [new]
1044. Xala (1975) Sembene, Ousmane [763]
1045. Salesman (1968) Maysles, Albert/David Maysles/Charlotte Zwerin [789]
1046. Ballast (2008) Hammer, Lance [new]
1047. Wild at Heart (1990) Lynch, David [1195]
1048. Gleaners & I, The (2000) Varda, Agnès [new]
1049. Tarnished Angels, The (1958) Sirk, Douglas [765]
1050. Love Story (1970) Hiller, Arthur [new]
1051. George Washington (2000) Green, David Gordon [new]
1052. Joy Luck Club, The (1993) Wang, Wayne [new]
1053. Single Man, A (2009) Ford, Tom [new]
1054. Van Gogh (1991) Pialat, Maurice [769]
1055. Lassie (2006) Sturridge, Charles [new]
1056. Block Party (2005) Gondry, Michel [new]
1057. Day I Became a Woman, The (2000) Makhmalbaf, Marzieh [new]
1058. Jackie Brown (1997) Tarantino, Quentin [new]
1059. Quiet American, The (2002) Noyce, Philip [new]
1060. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) Hawks, Howard [774]
1061. Animal Kingdom (2010) Michôd, David [new]
1062. Opening Night (1977) Cassavetes, John [990]
1063. Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) Benton, Robert [993]
1064. La Haine (1995) Kassovitz, Mathieu [new]
1065. Pinochet Case, The (2001) Guzmán, Patricio [new]
1066. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) Verbinski, Gore [new]
1067. Broken Flowers (2005) Jarmusch [new]
1068. Iraq in Fragments (2007) Longley, James [new]
1069. Woman in the Window, The (1944) Lang, Fritz [776]
1070. Mutual Appreciation (2005) Bujalski, Andrew [new]
1071. Together (2001) Moodysson, Lucas [new]
1072. Hallelujah! (1929) Vidor, King [777]
1073. Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary (2002) Maddin, Guy [new]
1074. Saturday Night Fever (1977) Badham, John [956]
1075. Springtime in a Small Town (2002) Tian, Zhuangzhuang [new]
1076. Central Station (1998) Salles, Walter [1242]
1077. Sleuth (1972) Mankiewicz, Joseph L. [648]
1078. Ride the High Country (1962) Peckinpah, Sam [780]
1079. Z (1969) Costa-Gavras, Constantin [902]
1080. Boxing Gym (2010) Wiseman, Frederick [new]
1081. My Own Private Idaho (1991) Van Sant, Gus [new]
1082. Vagabond (San toit ni loi, 1985) Varda, Agnès [893]
1083. Crazy Heart (2009) Cooper, Scott [new]
1084. Hellzapoppin' (1941) Potter, H.C. [781]
1085. Little Princess, A (1995) Cuarón, Alfonso [new]
1086. Voyages (2001) Finkiel, Emmanuel [new]
1087. Fighter (2007, Denmark) Bar-Lev, Amir [new]
1088. Secret of the Grain, The (2007) Kechiche, Abdel [new]
1089. They Live by Night (1948) Ray, Nicholas [786]
1090. Trial, The (1962) Welles, Orson [1054]
1091. Bus 174 (2002) Lacerda, Felipe [new]
1092. Virgin Suicides, The (1999) Coppola, Sofia [new]
1093. Gilda (1946) Vidor, Charles [787]
1094. Fallen Angels (1995) Wong Kar-Wai [1150]
1095. Osama (2003) Barmak, Siddiq [new]
1096. Harvey (1950) Coster, Henry [650]
1097. Thing from Another World, The (1951) Nyby, Christian/Howard Hawks [790]
1098. Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, The (1989) Greenaway, Peter [1130]
1099. Chop Shop (2007) Bahrani, Ramin [new]
1100. Decalogue, The (1989) Kieslowski, Krzysztof [new]
1101. Raising Victor Vargas (2002) Sollett, Peter [new]
1102. Moon (2009) Jones, Duncan [new]
1103. Corpse Bride (2005) Johnson, Mike [new]
1104. Design for Living (1933) Lubitsch, Ernst [794]
1105. Neil Young Trunk Show (2009) Demme, Jonathan [new]
1106. Spider-Man 2 (2004) Raimi, Sam [new]
1107. Man Who Would Be King, The (1975) Huston, John [797]
1108. When We Were Kings (1996) Gast, Leon [new]
1109. Othello (aka Tragedy of Othello, 1952) Welles, Orson [798]
1110. Man of the West (1958) Mann, Anthony [801]
1111. Assassination of Jesse James (2007) Dominik, Andrew [new]
1112. Fires Were Started (1943) Jennings, Humphrey [802]
1113. Dangerous Liaisons (1988) Frears, Stephen [803]
1114. Night of the Shooting Stars, The (1982) Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani [804]
1115. Outskirts (Okraina, 1933) Barnet, Boris [805]
1116. Taxidermia (2006) Pálfi, György [new]
1117. Charade (1963) Donen, Stanley [1089]
1118. Drugstore Cowboy (1989) Van Sant, Gus [new]
1119. Firemen's Ball, The (1967) Forman, Milos [806]
1120. Darjeeling Limited, The (2007) Anderson, Wes [new]
1121. Moonstruck (1987) Jewison, Norman [new]
1122. Spider (2002) Cronenberg, David [new]
1123. Mademoiselle Chambon (2009) Brizé, Stéphane [new]
1124. Anatahan (1953) von Sternberg, Josef [808]
1125. Big Parade, The (1925) Vidor, King [809]
1126. Hadewijch (2009) Dumont, Bruno [new]
1127. Rain Man (1988) Levinson, Barry [new]
1128. Triad Election (2007) To, Johnnie [new]
1129. U2 3D (2008) Owens, Catherine [new]
1130. Head-On (2004) Akin, Fatih [new]
1131. Wind That Shakes the Barley, The (2006) Loach, Ken [new]
1132. Barefoot Contessa, The (1954) Mankiewicz, Joseph L. [811]
1133. Apostle, The (1997) Duvall, Robert [new]
1134. Lone Star (1996) Sayles, John [1073]
1135. Babe (1995) Noonan, Chris [new]
1136. Moulin Rouge! (2001) Luhrmann, Baz [1188]
1137. Safe (1995) Haynes, Todd [886]
1138. Witness (1985) Weir, Peter [906]
1139. Chicago (2002) Marshall, Rob [new]
1140. Heaven's Gate (1980) Cimino, Michael [813]
1141. Vera Drake (2004) Leigh, Mike [new]
1142. Lake of Fire (2006) Kaye, Tony [new]
1143. Magdalene Sisters, The (2002) Mullan, Peter [new]
1144. Mon oncle d'Amérique (1980) Resnais, Alain [816]
1145. Tyson (2008) Toback, James [new]
1146. White Diamond, The (2004) Herzog, Werner [new]
1147. Puppetmaster, The (1993) Hou, Hsiao-Hsien [819]
1148. Trouble the Water (2008) Deal, Carl [new]
1149. Fat City (1972) Huston, John [820]
1150. Four Times (Le Quattro Volte), The (2010) Frammartino, Michelangelo [new]
1151. Hana-Bi (1997) Kitano, Takeshi [821]
1152. Antichrist (2009) von Trier, Lars [new]
1153. Minority Report (2002) Spielberg, Steven [new]
1154. Incendies (2010) Villeneuve, Denis [new]
1155. Holiday (1938) Cukor, George [823]
1156. Branded to Kill (1967) Suzuki, Seijun [933]
1157. Heimat (Homeland: A German Chronicle, 1984) Reitz, Edgar [825]
1158. Hour of the Wolf (1968) Bergman, Ingmar [1074]
1159. Blair Witch Project, The (1999) Myrick & Sanchez [new]
1160. Venus (2006) Michell, Roger [new]
1161. Billy Liar (1963) Schlesinger, John [new]
1162. Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965) Meyer, Russ [851]
1163. Rivers and Tides: Andy Goldsworthy Working with Time (2001) Riedelsheimer, Thomas [new]
1164. La Ronde (1950) Ophüls, Max [827]
1165. Ajami (2009) Copti, Scandar [new]
1166. Delicatessen (1991) Jeunet & Marc Caro [new]
1167. Tell No One (2006) Canet, Guillaume [new]
1168. Three Kings (1999) Russell, David O. [new]
1169. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005) Gibney, Alex [new]
1170. Good Bye, Dragon Inn (2003) Tsai, Ming-liang [new]
1171. Safe Conduct (2002) Tavernier, Bertrand [new]
1172. I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932) LeRoy, Mervyn [831]
1173. Morocco (1930) von Sternberg, Josef [832]
1174. Tom, Tom the Piper's Son (1969) Jacobs, Ken [833]
1175. 28 Days Later (2002) Boyle, Danny [new]
1176. Duma (2005) Ballard, Caroll [new]
1177. Constant Gardener, The (2005) Meirelles, Fernando [new]
1178. Outlaw Josey Wales, The (1976) Eastwood, Clint [834]
1179. Parenthood (1989) Howard, Ron [new]
1180. Ceddo (1977) Sembene, Ousmane [835]
1181. Irreversible (2002) Noé, Gaspar [new]
1182. Sugar (2008) Boden, Anna [new]
1183. Wagon Master (1950) Ford, John [838]
1184. Face/Off (1997) Woo, John [new]
1185. Pride & Prejudice (2005) Wright, Joe [new]
1186. Quince Tree of the Sun (1992) Erice, Victor [new]
1187. Unfaithfully Yours (1948) Sturges, Preston [842]
1188. Funny Games (1997) Haneke, Michael [new]
1189. Winged Migration (2001) Perrin, Cluzaud, & Debats [new]
1190. School of Rock, The (2003) Linklater, Richard [new]
1191. Grey Gardens (1976) Maysles, David/Albert Maysles/Ellen Hovde/Muffie Meyer [1147]
1192. Animal House (1978) Landis, John [new]
1193. Under the Roofs of Paris (1930) Clair, René [844]
1194. Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach, The (1968) Straub, Jean-Marie [845]
1195. Namesake, The (2006) Nair, Mira [new]
1196. Cold Comfort Farm (1995) Schlesinger, John [new]
1197. Moonfleet (1955) Lang, Fritz [847]
1198. Inland Empire (2006) Lynch, David [new]
1199. Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father (2008 Kuenne, Kurt [new]
1200. Kaagaz Ke Phool (1959) Dutt, Guru [848]
1201. Anvil! The Story of Anvil (2008) Sacha Gervasi, Rebecca Yeldham [new]
1202. Verdict, The (1982) Lumet, Sidney [850]
1203. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) Cuarón, Alfonso [new]
1204. Two English Girls (1971) Truffaut, François [852]
1205. Amants du Pont-Neuf, Les (1991) Carax, Lèos [853]
1206. Taxi to the Dark Side (2007) Gibney, Alex [new]
1207. 3 Women (1977) Altman, Robert [1132]
1208. C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005) Valee, Jean-Mark [new]
1209. Agronomist, The (2003) Demme, Jonathan [new]
1210. Twin Peaks (1990) Lynch, David [new]
1211. Touching the Void (2003) MacDonald, Kevin [new]

Note: about 15 short films were removed, including two more on this update (Un Chien Andalou, at 216; A Trip to the Moon, at 461, the 1902 silent short, now remastered in full color. These are good films but neither is anywhere close to feature length, so someone is including a few oranges in the boatload of apples).


  1. This looks a little bit like List of the greatest films of all time. However, that one is based on critics' and directors' opinions.

  2. Your link says "based on the Sight and Sound poll", which is only 10 films and has NEVER had any film at #1 except Citizen Kane.. that's a critics poll that is taken only ONCE PER DECADE.. our poll is based on ALL other polls, some of which (Internet Movie Database, Metacritics) are dynamic and constantly updating..

    In my opinion, the Sight and Sound poll is one of the most useless ever created.. they should update it at least once a year, and also add new titles occasionally..

    There's a problem with each individual poll, but by compiling a compendium in Excel of ALL polls, we hope to include both critics and fan choices in our list, which I think represents "the best of all polls"..

    .. Jose ..

  3. ps- the "newest" film on the Sight and Sound poll is Godfather II from 1974! Did good films cease being made after that?

  4. It'd be nice to have an excel sheet of this massive list so that we could then download and sort via multiple criteria.. ex. sort by year or by director. Great list!

  5. I have an Excel sheet of these - a director list is coming up.. I didn't want to post all the different sorts all at once.. After I breakout a few more countries, I'll post a director one.. I did that last time (2009), also compiled all director rankings based on their overall film totals - Hitchcock was #1, Stanley Kubrick #2 (with far fewer films).. it won't change much, Kurosawa will rise some, as he should - he should be top 3 for sure, imo..

    look for the upcoming posts! thnx for the comments!!

  6. Wat

    257. Lost in Translation (2003) Coppola, Sofia [395]
    258. Cabaret (1972) Fosse, Bob [281]
    259. Children of Men (2006) Cuaron, Alfonso [459]
    260. Big Lebowski, The (1998) Coen, Ethan and Joel [386]

  7. not sure WAT is the question.. the number in [brackets] was the previous ranking two years ago in 2009, when I first did this compendium in a spreadsheet. Three of these four films you listed have risen since then, with Children of Men jumping 200 places; Cabaret has fallen a little.

    I was always confused by the high ranking of Lebowski, I find it among the non-compelling Coen Bros efforts, maybe I need to watch it again, but I'd rather see about 10 other of their films..

  8. I've started a list of my own favorite films.

  9. Wow, incredible list. So extensive!

  10. About a dozen films listed here have the wrong year on them

  11. Dude you have to see Forest Gump. Once you see it it'll be in your top 10 no questions

  12. Yes, of course I've seen Forrest Gump.. to me, it makes fun of slow, stupid people who may have a handicap like Down syndrome, so it actually made me angry.. it's a nice fable but I don't like humor based on people with an obvious affliction.. I'm surprised with its popularity and that no one else ever mentions this..

    I thought the romance w Robin Wright Penn was also out of character w the rest of the film, so it detracted.

    It was well done, but offensive to me.. it's also way too long, it's not a subject for an epic like a historical bio (Lawrence of Arabia, The Last Emperor), it's a comedy and should be shorter

  13. I love Life is Beautiful movie a lot. It taught us how to look life with positive attitude.
    ANytime I feel low I prefer watching this movie :)
    I was inspired by this movie to start my blog

  14. two films ar actually missing here: "Distant Voices, Still Lives" and "House of Sand and Fog"

  15. Lado- Distant Voices Still Lives is here, ranked #856.. House of Sand and Fog did not make any polls and is not ranked, not even in my complete list of 2280 films - it was a good film, most likely just a bit too abstract and depressing to make the polls

    .. Jose ..

  16. thoughts on Marty, Soldier Blue, and Ordinary People ?

  17. Of those 3 films mentioned, I would probably rank Marty.. not the other two..


  18. I miss Steven Kubrick/Spielberg's brilliant and thoughtful 'Artificial Intelligence (2001)' on this list...especially if it can contain a movie like 'Pirates of...'and...Inland Empire ???!! Everything else is great. For me 'Artificial Intelligence' is the most realistic Sci-Fi movie ever made.

  19. Missing:
    The Stunt Man by Richard Rush (1980)
    Best in Show, Christopher Guest, 2000
    Pleasantville, Gary Ross (1998)

  20. I agree with Anon.. if it was up to me and not the polls, I would have all three of these on here.. they are all on my own top 1000.. I have all three films in my personal collection.. - Jose

  21. Remember - this is not my personal list, it's the result of adding all the polls together.. Artificial Intelligence is a worthy SF film, a film in the planning by Kubrick when he died, so Spielberg used Kubrick's production notes to complete the film himself.. Perhaps not exactly what either would have ended up with, but still a major SF film worth seeing - Jose

  22. This is an offensive list! There are some very good titles indeed, but some of the most poignant films are not even listed! What about probably the best and for sure the most innovative American movie of the 1960's WB's "Petulia" starring the formidable Julie Christie? And, also, talking about Christie, where's "Shampoo" by Ashby? That was one of the most famous movies of the 1970's and one of the most accomplished! And Polanski's "Cul de sac"? Skolimosky's masterpiece "Deep End", Antonioni's unforgettable "Red Desert" (and the much weaker "The passenger"is listed? Oh,my!)Where's Alejandro Jodorowsky's work? Or Truffaut's? Godard? Medem?

  23. Battleship Potemkin at 123.
    L'Age d'or at 263.
    Sunrise at 43.
    Nosferatu at 112.

    Is a Joke, isn' it?

    What were you thinking?


    This is the real world, come down!!

    Is there anybody normal out there!??

    PD: There is cinema out of USA, you knew, didn't you?

  24. I find it odd that Rollerball is nowhere on this list at all.

  25. I know this isn't your personal list, but I find some of the placements quite shocking. Breathless only at 159, and L'Avventura only at 183. Both those films tend to be top 50 regulars, so I'm surprised they were placed so low by your calculations. And neither Rules of the Game or Tokyo Story made the top 50 either. I guess I just assumed that if you simply averaged all the lists found in the internet it would more closely mirror the list over at They Shoot Pictures, Don't They?

  26. What hurt CLASSIC films, like Breathless and especially L'Avventura (which is top 25 for me) were the FAN polls - they are high on critics polls, but fans put Godfathers, Leone, Hitch, Lucas, Spielberg, etc at the top and forget true cinematic art - I think Kurosawa & Kubrick are the best directors (the more you see of Kurosawa's early BW films, the more he rises, esp STRAY DOG and HIGH & LOW) -- Jose

  27. REMEMBER, this is a combination of ALL the film polls I could find.. which included IMDB, a fans list (but not Netflix, dunno what their list is - it always has Sandra Bullock at the top and doesn't appear to be based on averages, or GOODNIGHT MR. TOM would be the #1 film and it's not even on the list).. I would list all the polls I used but some may say "remove ours without our permission" or some such nonsense, though all were published for the public..

    I agree that classic art gets ignored by the public, and some garbage sneaks in (I cannot fathom the popularity of Rocky- it's not even in my top 10 boxing films, which include Raging Bull, Cinderella Man, Requiem For a Heavyweight, all much better art and drama, YO!

    "Your results may vary" - with any list, LOL..

    we don't make up this stuff, we just add it up in Excel -- JMAN

  28. Hm interesting list of movies. All of the movies in top 20 are really great so i will say it is really relevant list with best movies ever made.

  29. It strikes me, by the omission of Terms of Endearment, that the film lists out there are very stereotypically male-centric. I too am male, by the way, but think that T.of E. is one of the best, 'warmest' films ever made.


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