Sunday, January 25, 2009

Screen Actors Guild Awards

The SAG awards results (held on Jan 25th). They give awards only to actors (the award is called The Actor®) - and the word "actress" is prohibited. They also give awards for ensemble acting, and for both film and tv. Can't you just hear the kids at home: "Hey, mommy won The Actor" - "Wow! Is it Tom Cruise?" 2009 SAG Winners (career totals shown) Film Ensemble Cast: Slumdog Millionaire Lead Actress: Meryl Streep (Doubt, 2nd, but 1st for film) Lead Actor: Sean Penn (Milk, 1st) Supporting Actress: Kate Winslet (The Reader, 2nd) Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger (Dark Knight, 1st) Stunt Ensemble, film: The Dark Knight TV Ensemble Cast, Comedy: 30 Rock Lead Actress, Comedy: Tina Fey (30 Rock) - Tina Fey – 2nd and 3rd awards Lead Actor, Comedy: Alec Baldwin (30 Rock) - Alec Baldwin – 3rd and 4th awards Ensemble Cast, Drama: Mad Men Lead Actor, Drama: Hugh Laurie (House, 2nd) Lead Actress, Drama: Sally Field (Brothers & Sisters, 1st) Actress, Movie or Miniseries: Laura Linney (John Adams, 1st) Actor, Movie or Miniseries: Paul Giamatti (John Adams, 1st) Stunt Ensemble, tv: Heroes Lifetime Achievement: James Earl Jones (who has NO Oscars, while Denzel Washington has two, and Forrest Whitaker, Morgan Freeman, and Halle Berry one each; is there no justice in Oscar-ville? That's the greatest voice in film history we're talking about, and the 2nd greatest, John Houseman, also has an Oscar) Quotes “I can’t decide if I want to make out with Tony Hopkins or Diane Lane. Doesn’t Tony look great?” – Alec Baldwin “My daughter puts on makeup and says ‘I look like Barack Obama’ – I don’t know where she got the idea that it’s cool to look like a politician. One day she’s gonna see 30 Rock on YouTube and ask ‘what do you mean, no residuals?’” – Tina Fey “My dad was a stuntman, and I think you just saw some of his work underneath the horses.” – Sally Field (after a montage of great film stunts) "Thanks for this ensemble award - some of these folks we just picked up off the street" - Jane Krakowski (30 Rock) “In Genesis, it says that God shaped man from the dust of the earth and breathed life into his nostril; I don’t mean to embarrass any of you, but an actor does the same thing with a role.” – James Earl Jones “I would just like to add, Paul Newman, somebody down here likes you.” – James Earl Jones (a reference to Newman’s first big film, “Somebody Up There Likes Me”) “Something happened to me making this film, and I now notice that these statues have nice packages.” – Sean Penn The official SAG site nominations and winners: Screen Actors Guild My Comments: I discovered 30 Rock on dvd, and love it. The beauty of the dvd's is 8 episodes per disk (about 3 hrs) with no commercials! Excellent writing, and Alec Baldwin is perfect, he's a terrific comic actor. Best thing on network tv right now, which isn't saying much at all unless you like amateur singing, amateur dancing, amateur's surviving, or people losing weight as a contest. How LOW have we sunk? I read Bernard Schlink's book "The Reader" and liked it a lot. I like the SciFi premise of Benjamin Button, if done right these stories can be enchanting. My favorite so far is Wall-E, sadly, it's destined to win nothing but animation awards. I haven't seen Slumdog yet, but I look forward to it. Too late for wagering! -- the Jman, El Presidenté

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