Saturday, February 12, 2011

World's Best Foreign Language Films

This is a subset of the non-English language films from all the other lists (my preferences, these are not from the Top Ranked on the Net survey we did - that post is listed seperately, as over 400 foreign language films made that list), with a few more worthy films added (* = new additions)

Updated: 5.13.11
The films listed together (ie, Jean de Florette and Manon of the Spring; Chunking Express/Fallen Angels) are parts of the same story, intended by the director to be one long film but were split up due to length. I think The Bicycle Thief is a great film, but it's very tough to recommend, as it's pretty depressing. Meanwhile, Under the Sun (a romance) is a true rarity: a non-depressing film from Sweden; so is My Life As a Dog (a comedy)


  1. Himala from THE PHILIPPINES

  2. I wonder why you haven't listed UmbertoD, Scuscià, The Bicycle Thief and Miracolo a Milano...

  3. I just needed to update it after seeing Umberto D.. I should have Bicycle Thief here but find it so depressing that I can't readily recommend it! Umberto was more touching than depressing - Bicycle Thief was HOPELESS, made me suicidal!

    Good films though, De Sica is a genius!

  4. 'la haine' (1995, france) defo missing here. you wanna watch reality? watch this!
    also 'shutter' (2004, thailand) foreign and horror.

  5. I did see LA HAINE, but gave it a low rating and did not include it here.. it's worth seeing, but it's not a "best foreign film", imo.. there are many more films I'd rather recommend..

    have not seen SHUTTER, it's on my list to view.. thanks!

  6. What can be expected from stupid like you considers movies like Mr. & Mrs. Iyar from India World's Best, as well as Jodha Akbar. A truly stupid freak! Ask me which are India's best films; I have seen over 700 of Indian movies!


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